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Jeongin fell asleep in class for the very first time and slept very deep, so his teacher had no chance to wake the boy up.

After the bell rang Chan entered the class because he wanted to pick up jeongin, he saw him sleeping and laughed a bit. He walked to the younger desk. He lift the younger up and walked with him on his back out of the class. So he made his way to the cafeteria and normally he would do something with the younger alone, but the boy was sleeping so he brought him with him to the desk where his friends were sitting and sat the younger down, before lifting him up again, sat down and put the younger one on his lap.

He placed jeongins head carefully on his jacket he placed on the desk und wrapped his arms around him. Then he looked at the confused faces of his friend "You two? Here?" changbin asked with his arm around Felix "looks like that" Chan said with a smile.

"So hyunjin told us you two are going to be at Lix party?" jisung started with a smile "Yes I guess so" Chan laughed "Be careful that hyunjin doesn't put his fingers on jeongin when he's drunk" "Wtf" hyunjin said and slapped jisung "You said he's cute" minho wanted to help his boyfriend, hyunjin blushed "Yes I said he's cute, but that doesn't mean he's my type and he's in a relationship with Chan if u can't see" hyunjin said and pointed to Chan.

Chan didn't want to show that he's jealous so he just nodded, but one comment he couldn't resist to say "If u touch him make sure ure not longer at this planet because I'm gonna break all your bones" Chan said with a cute smile and every one looked kinda shook "Yea... OK Chan... Calm down, nobody's gonna touch your Lil baby boy" Felix said and laughed a bit.

Meanwhile Hyunjin looked at Jeongin before his best friend SeoYeon came and herself at hyunjins lap placed "Hellooooooow my lovely friends" she said and smiled widely "What do u want?" hyunjin said, placed his Arms around her tummy and his head on her shoulder.

"Nothing just sitting with my beautiful and lovely friends" she said and smiled "you know that me and hyunjin are the only ones that really know u?" Seungmin said after arriving at the table and sitting next to them.

SeoYeon nodded and leaned on Hyunjin  behind her. Actually 70% of the school thought that Hyunjin and SeoYeon were in a relationship, but how couldn't u think it if u don't know the truth. Hyunjin often picks her up after class grabbing her hand and pulling her with him. Meanwhile she just hugs him often or sat down at his lap like right now. She even kiss his head often when she's bored. But there not together.

They two just being very close, so close that a lot of girls are jealous of her. She has a key to Hyunjin apartment, she wears his shirts quite often or even sleeps at his apartment, but the reason for her being at hyunjin home is that she's often in trouble with her parents and hyunjin and she are knowing each other for over 15 years, so they have no problem with being close to each other.

Why should they? They bathed together when they were little. She stole hyunjins first kiss but with his permission because he didn't wanted that the other girl he doesn't liked had to kiss him. So yeah.

Back to the story. Jeongin woke up and rubbed his eyes while lifting his head, he felt chans arms around him and looked sleepy at the faces of chans friends before blushing. SeoYeon was sitting right in front of jeongin and looked at him "who's this cutie?" she asked and smiled "my boyfriend" Chan said and looked at her while wrapping his arm tightly around jeongin.

"Yang Jeongin" hyunjin said "01 liner" be continued "In a relationship with Chan for more than 2 years" he said and then stopped.

SeoYeon nodded and got up, she kissed hyunjin head "Pick me up later" she said and left. Hyunjin looked after her und then to his friends "Still sure your not together?" Chan asked "Yes sure" hyunjin answered and got Up. "See ya" he said and walked to his class.

After school Jeongin walked home and wanted to stop by at the store to get his strawberry milk, but in front of the store was standing a tall blonde guy looking at him. Jeongin walked past him and realised that it's hyunjin, he blushed, hyunjin was holding strawberry milk in his left hand "Want some?" he said and hold it in Jeongins direction. Jeongin grabbed the strawberry milk "Thank u" he said and walked again his way home while looking at the strawberry milk.

Hyunjin followed him fast and put his arm around jeongin "So u think I'm beautiful Innie?" he ask and jeongin gasp.

"what how?" jeongin ask "The strawberry milk I gave u, u posted it" hyunjin said and smiled.

Hyunjin stopped himself and jeongin, leaned over to jeongins ear and whispered "u shouldn't flirt with me while being together with chan, but see you at Lix party cutie" he said, kissed jeongin under his ear before leaving jeongin alone.


I need strawberry milk

<ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝔸𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 >  //Hyunin//Where stories live. Discover now