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Jeongin was walking home when he got pushed back hitting a wall. Two hand still on his body pressing him on the wall. He looked at the person infront of him but couldn't really see his face. The person got closer and kissed him. When he pushed him back he finally saw a face. It was hyunjin.

Jeongins eyes opened with a little scream leaving his lips, the room got quite and the whole class turned around and looked at the boy that turned red. His teacher looked at him "Are u alright mister yang? Can I continue teaching?" he said a little bit angry "s-sure" Jeongin said and the teacher continued.

After the class jeongin quickly stood up and left the room, he was still embarrassed, why does he even dream something like that? He ask himself while walking so he directly walked into Hyunjin. Before falling down, hyunjin hold him. "You ok?" he ask and jeongin nodded "Actually I think we need to talk..." Hyunjin continued "Now?" Jeongin ask and hyunjin nodded "would he got" he said and took jeongins wrist before walking. He walked into a room and closed the door behind them.

"I'm so sorry" Hyunjin started "I shouldn't have done it, I shouldn't have tried to destroy or even destroyed your relationship with Chan... Both of u were so happy to have each other m.. Jeongin I'm so sorry" the boy said and looked st the younger. The youngers facial expressions haven't changed the whole time, he looked so uninterested "Chan loves Woojin. They're happy now" he said and wanted to go.

Hyunjin didn't let him go "Don't u miss chan?" he was so confused " I did, but i didn't lost him. I lost him as a lover but not as a friend, he's happy with woojin, I'm ok with it now. The last two years were beautiful, but I knew its gonna end some day and this day was 2 weeks ago" he said.

"oh. Ok" hyunjin answered and looked into the brown, shiny eyes of the younger one "I love u jeongin, I really do..." "I know Hyunjin" Jeongin answered and walked out of the room.


So I'm going home at 11 am and I'm gonna be home at 7pm... Kill me. The way actually isnt that long but i have to take 4 different trains so yea... :(

<ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝔸𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 >  //Hyunin//Where stories live. Discover now