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Meanwhile Jeongin and Hae-Won were walking back to school drinking some strawberry milk "So u said SeoYeon is single?" Hae-Won started and jeongin nodded "And she's poly?" Jeongin nodded again.

"So u think I could ask her to maybe go out with me?" Hae-Won looked at Jeongin.

"Hmmm actually I don't know. Like sure u could but SeoYeon is not really a person who is into relationships... I think she never had one.. But the reason ist be aus of Hyunjin." "why? Is she crushing on him????" " iihhh no. They're like siblings?. The thing is Hyunjin hates it to loose people he's close to and SeoYeon always said to herself that hyunjins gonna stay her number one and she has no time for an relationship because when hyunjin would feel down she would directly be with him and ignore her boyfriend and girlfriend, what would make them sad. So she's just staying single I think "

" Hmm... Ok. "

While getting closer to the school building Jeongin saw 2 People beside the  school kneeling down and hugging, it looked like one was crying. Both looked so familiar.

Just a few seconds Jeongin noticed it was Hyunjin and he was crying. Jeongin remembered what he just said and came to the conclusion he was the cause of hyunjins sadness.

He let his strawberry milk fall down and started running to Hyunjin, leaving Hae-Won behind. He started walking slower when he came closer until he was standing infront of them. Seeing hyunjins hand was bleeding. Seeing him crying. Seeing that both didn't noticed that jeongin was standing there.

Jeongin looked at them "Hy-Hyunjin?" he said and looked down at the older one.  Hyunjin looked up, his glassy eyes meeting jeongin caring ones. Tears fell down hyunjins cheek and jeongin quickly brushed them away.

SeoYeon didn't reacted to anything and you know why? Because she fell asleep :'). Jeongin noticed it and signalized Hae-Won she should come to them "Could u please pick up SeoYeon?" he asked and Hae-Won did so and walked away with SeoYeon on her back.

Hyunjin looked a him "W-What do u want?"

"That u start talking to me when u have a problem Hyunjin...!"


I have nothing to say

I have nothing to say

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<ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝔸𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 >  //Hyunin//Where stories live. Discover now