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The rain was hitting the car windows softly, the sun slowly disappeared. The car standing in a forest , nobody knew.

Slight sobbing was heard inside the car and a masculine voice screaming at the crying boy. He wasn't able to scream anymore , he did it too long, his lung was already dead from him screaming for hours.

The mans face wasn't visible, like a blank canvas. The sound of ripping close appeared and the sobbing got louder, silent screams left his mouth. The man started beating the boy. The boy couldn't do anything and the last thing he noticed was everything around him turning black.


Struggle to breath.


„Jeongin !!!"

„Wake up..."


His eyes opened slowly „Everything's ok stop crying ... it was just a nightmare, stop crying" Hyunjin tried to calm down the younger boy who then noticed he was crying heavily. He grabbed onto the others shirt and buried his face in his chest.

Hyunjin was stroking through Jeongins hair trying to calm him down while being worried about the younger who was having more and more nightmares while being asleep and they were getting really intense these days.


<ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝔸𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 >  //Hyunin//Where stories live. Discover now