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Time passes and both of the boys were still happy together and finally Jeongin stopped having those intense nightmares. He even took a break from school because he couldn't sleep anymore,Hyunjin still went to school because Jeongin forced him to.

But today both of he boys were happy, Jeongin just had an amazing nap and was currently walking through a park with his boyfriend, both eating ice cream and just enjoying the view of the cherry blossoms flying through the air.

„Chan wants to come over later .. he said the other would come too and he said we should do a movie night , is this ok with u?" Jeongin asked looking to Hyunjin „I'm down. But is it ok with u? U know ? U should maybe rest" „Movie night is not really exhausting" Jeongin said laughing and Hyunjin just nodded whispering a small „you're right".

I'll try to upload the last chapters now in the next few days or weeks

Besides that. I already have a new book in my drafts but like look i made it last year and it's called „Virus" it had nothing to do with any virus and it's just used as a metaphor, but due the current situation I'm not sure about posting it.

Random but. I made a new snap. And I'm still giving out kisses so.

 And I'm still giving out kisses so

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<ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝔸𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 >  //Hyunin//Where stories live. Discover now