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Liked by 97_CB and 21362 othery

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Seu_n00: @Y_1NN13  you haven't been my bitch for a long time but I love u honey. We have a lots of memories, next time don't lock yourself out of the house when chan and woojin arent home but theres a dog infront of the door

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Liked by Dandyboiiiii and 2637 others

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Liked by Dandyboiiiii and 2637 others

Seu_n00 : to explain myself, they're still my bitches but because theyre now dating theyre not my bitches liks before... Its another level :(((
So anyone there wanting to send me his abs so I have a new wallpaper?


Nae: wait they're dating?

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23.08. 2019


<ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝔸𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 >  //Hyunin//Where stories live. Discover now