12: his towel?

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I am staying at the waiting shed as talked over. After class, I was called alongside Sujeong by our Math teacher to the faculty room.

"Are you good with Taehyung?" I can't help but ask her. Lately, I haven't seen them together unlike before. They became close since she helped him bigtime for the pageant but this time, they are like acting strangers all of a sudden.

"Ah, yeah," she coolly said but it seemed like she's faking her expression.

"We're friends, we're good," she continued.

"Okay, if that's so," I said to just end the talk.

"You know what I think Jungkook is going to like the new girl anytime soon," she suddenly spoke.

Everyone keeps saying that they are going to like each other later on or like either of them will have feelings. Everyone keeps throwing that at me. What's the big deal?

"I know I am not the only who said that to you," Sujeong chuckled as I didn't give a comment about it.

"Yeah," I nonchalantly shrugged as I am tired of hearing it.

"I will support him no matter what. If he's going to like Sinb then I will be happy for them," I said.

"Best friend duties," she remarked and I could just chuckle.

Our Math teacher just gave us the soft copy of our take home quiz which will be passed on our next meeting. After that, I immediately walked to the waiting shed to meet Kook.

I was expecting to see him here but he is not around. Where is he? I took my phone out to dial him but I couldn't reach him.

It's already 4:30PM. I continously dialled his number but he didn't accept at least once. Meh, I will just wait for him. Maybe he's got an urgent thing that needs to be done.

But after an hour of waiting, he is still not around. Did he already go alone because he couldn't wait for me anymore?

I am starting to get ornery on my seat while glancing at my wristwatch for consecutive times. He's letting me wait for one hour? Is he serious?

The thing I hate the most about me is that I am really impatient. Thus, I stood up while my brows are fused and decided to just go back to the dorm and tell his mom that I won't be able to join them for dinner.

I walked back to the dorm with heavy steps. I am mad. Kook let me wait for an hour, just what the heck was he doing that he didn't even answer his phone.

"Goran!" I scoffed upon hearing that annoying nickname. Now, everything is annoying to me whenever my patience is being tested.

I plastered my stolid face as he approached me. "Why didn't you answer my call?"

"Dead bat."

I again scorned. "Where were you?"

"At the library with Sinb. We talked about the research."

I scorned for more.

"Then why didn't you tell me? I waited for like one hour at the waiting shed like a dumbass," I exclaimed.

"Did Yugyeom not relay my message?"

I just emotionlessly stared at him.

"I told him to tell you that I will be late because me and Sinb will talk about our reseaㅡ"

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