13: his bandaid?

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The theater play was successfully enacted. The audience were fortunately pleased by the play, all the hardships were paid off. The activity was held to raise funds for charity which made it more memorable and meaningful for us.

Actually, something almost ruined all the efforts that everyone has exerted. The lead actress of the play could not do her task, she was feeling sick on the last minute of the preparation. Thankfully, one of the scriptwriters volunteered to take her place. It was Sinb. She saved the day.

Though the lines she acted on the stage were not really exactly as how it was in the script, she still carried it on. She never lost her track and did her role as excellent as she can. She instantly gained a tremendous number of admirers and enthusiasts. They acknowledged her superb acting skills and when it was revealed that she was not actually the lead actress, more students began to like her more.

And I am presently at the locker area with her and I must say she's getting a lot of attention as she is being surrounded by people now. Her presence easily created a small crowd by the area. It's getting crowded in here and I must leave this place now before it gets more crowded.

I was just about to mind my own business and leave the place when suddenly, a man appeared to aggressively dived himself onto the small crowd. He harshly pushed the people getting in his way. When he finally stood on a good spot to see Sinb, he spoke. "Sinb, will you allow me court you?"

That was too fast and straightforward, dude. I decided to stay for a little longer to witness this scene. Very interesting yet strange.

"Uhh.. I don't know you..," Sinb warily replied to this unknown man. "And I don't want to be involved in such thing yㅡ" she continued but was abruptly cut off by the man.

"Please, let me. I like you so much ever since you came here," the man persistently exclaimed with his eyes looking so eager and determined.

I may like his confidence but it's gradually getting creepy. If he continued being like that, everyone might already think that he's some sort of an obsessed admirer.

Which reminded me of Kook's obsessed fan. She still likes Kook until now, it's getting creepier and scary as days pass by because she always follows him wherever he goes.

"I am sorry but I have to take down your proposal, besides I already like someone elsㅡ" Sinb tried as much as she can to sound sincere and apologetic so that she wouldn't hurt this guy's feelings.

But this man didn't stop, he became more persistentㅡ more persistent in a bad way. And I feel like I have to stay here until this man leaves.

"I love you, okay!? Why don't you just be my girlfriend?!" His bellicose response surprised the small crowd, especially Sinb. I perceived how much she was startled when the man shouted at her.

"Hey, bro, are you drunk? Look, her face obviously says that she does not like you. Can't you just leave the plㅡ" This guy from the horde butted in but he was just precipitately punched by the man.

Everyone gasped in shock because of what the man just did. "You all leave if you don't want to get knocked out just like what I did to this man!" He yelled which made the crowd stepped backwards, to go distant from him due to fright.

"Sinb, please love me. I know you are kind and you can easily love me, please be with me." This time, he's already getting far. He drew near Sinb and held her hands.

His grip on her hands was really strong, I could see it just by how overwhelmed Sinb is right now. Her eyes divulged nothing but fear because of this crazy man.

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