Prologue - Become The One Punch Hero!

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Perhaps meeting up in an abandoned factory was not something appropriate for some beings that potentially hold enough power to render the worlds and stories asunder, but honestly, humility is such a beautiful thing. A human trait, yes, but beautiful nonetheless.

Sparing it not a thought longer, the woman moves forwards, not even needing to open the door before she merely phases through the wall, the interior absolutely nothing of a warehouse's; they were in a royal guard's council room, with the seats and a large table that stretched out to about five feet. And there they were, the other members of their council.

"Hello, everyone. I apologise if I took too late..." Apologised the woman, getting chuckles from the oldest man there.

"You needn't worry about that. The concepts of time don't really apply to us now, does it?" Smiled the being simply known as Drake. "So... another story. Who shall handle it?"

"Us," spoke Nil, making a nod. "It falls under the 'Sins' category, hence, it is under our supervision."

"Yup! This world will be safe with us on the watch!" Nodded the other twin with a wide grin. "Plus, I think it looks pretty interesting! Not how I thought it would play out, but yeah!"

"And the only reason the world ended up the way it is because it is of someone's doing..." Darkly muttered the Nil, getting his brother to chuckle nervously. "Seriously, how careless could you possibly be..?"

The incident he was referring to was an accident on his brother's part, of which he had accidentally thrown in some elements from one world into another one. Of course, not everything is changed, but there was bound to be repercussions from this, as the world was undoubtedly going to be unstable.

And unless they did something, that universe was going to disappear.

"So, who shall be the 'Incarnation' for this one?" Asked Snake, his size shrunk to the point that he could sit on the table, his tail swishing from side to side like a cat's own. Ai barely resisted the urge to pat him.

The two brothers looked at one another, and only one person came to mind.


On An Earth-like Planet, Near City A―An Ordinary Day

In one of the many cities on the continent, the people went on with their lives, busy with whatever that required their attention

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In one of the many cities on the continent, the people went on with their lives, busy with whatever that required their attention. Their work, their daily lives, and so forth and so forth.

Everything was bustling, the skies an endless blue and people without a care for the world as they proceeded with everything. It was peaceful...

But the peace did not last.

All of a sudden, without any sort of explanation, the earth boomed from a certain spot, everyone quick to drop to a crouch, staring at the cloud of smoke that formed. And then, a crater forms at where the smoke was last produced, levelling buildings in the area.

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