Chapter 8: Unleash the Behemoth!

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Today was a school day, and Izuku was more than up for it. Who wouldn't? He got into his dream school, U.A. High, with his childhood friend. There, he was learning under the best Pro-Heroes this country had to become a Hero.

What else was there that could possibly make this better?

Nothing. But the world was out on a hit for him. Well, more like an infuriation than anything, but yeah.

"Seriously... you need to get a hobby, world!"
"Rrgh! Get out of here, ki—Ghah..!"

Watching their teammate get knocked out with a single punch was more than enough to freeze most of them, but they kept coming at him, from every angle in a situation that was just so, so stupid.

He was on his way to school with Katsuna, both talking about her arm that she was thinking about asking him to calibrate to lower the firepower, only to get caught up in a Villain attack, lead by this one guy with some 'Quirk' that allowed him to produce electricity from his hair. Yeah.

From there, he just gave his friend his bag and asked her to get to school on her own, adding that he'd be right behind her once he was done with these losers.

So, here he was. Fighting these Villains, though the word 'fighting' was not the right term to use here, seeing that he was literally punching them all out like it was a Saturday night.


"Another one out. Who else?!"
"Cocky kid! Get him!"

All rushed him at that exact moment, aiming to dogpile him, but he had his right fist drawn back by then, far too late for any of them to do anything.

"«Consecutive Normal Punches»," he spoke, and his fist blurred like bullets, striking all of his opponents dead-on and sending them flying everywhere, crashing everywhere. It was only when everyone were done did he finally allow himself to fully loosen his posture, sighing. "Jeez, world, can you at least try to be normal..?"

Nonetheless, with that said, he left the place with a leap into the sky, hoping that Aizawa wouldn't mind him running a little bit late. He has a reasonable excuse, after all!


U.A. High, Class 1-A

"I get that you were helping out, but I'm more amazed that you see so many Villains in a lifetime at all."
"What's there to be surprised about?"

"Kid, civilians rarely see Villains. You make it sound like you see them thrice a week, and that's not normal."

"Oh hey, I do see them three times a week... Oh."

Well, that's one way to look at things.

Honestly, there was nothing he couldn't do about it. It felt like he just ended up walking into trouble, no matter how much such was not true. Must be because of his status as this world's 'Protagonist'. Well, God damn it.

Then again, it's not like it's disturbing him in any other way, but it really is annoying, when he thought about it. Does the world even know what 'rationality' meant anymore?

Or maybe it's his fault, since all of this only began once he came into this world. By accident, since he didn't know that Oracle was going to send him here, but what was he supposed to do? Take into account the possibility of him somehow entering another world? Not in a million years.

With a sigh, the teacher just gives a shake of the head before gesturing towards the boy's seat. "Whatever... Go take a seat. We're starting homeroom."

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