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I know it took me months to decide weather I wanted to come back to WWE or not but the wait is over.
I'm back now, now I know people have been saying I don't belong here because of my Mom but really I do belong there.
I'm born to be a WWE star, it's in my blood and it's been my dream since I was a little girl, my Mom night not have been the best role model but she is my inspiration and that's why I decided to come back.
Sasha: "Uh oh, your back"
Me: "Hi Sasha, what's up? Your suppose to be happy that I'm back, why so down?"
Sasha: "It's Chloe, she's making everyone's lives miscrible, we are glad your back but she's abusing her power and Stephanie and Hunter are no where to be seen and I'm worried"
Me: "Everything's gonna be ok, I'm gonna put that little brat in her place, I'm so gonna wipe the floor with her"
And I'm yet to confront her about the letter she forged which was suppose to be my Dad when it wasn't him at all, well little does she know Kurt Angle brought me back here.
Chloe: "Now Jordan is out of everyone's hair I will be able to be a champion, because of her I have gotten nowhere in my career and you better watch you, your career will be next if you cross me again"
Chloe threatened Alexa Bliss backstage because Alexa accidently bumped into her, I mean that's how annoying she is, anyone can bump into her by accident then she threatens you with your career being down in smokes just because she is the boss daughter.
Well I have news for her, I'm Chyna's Daughter and I'm back to kick her ass once and for all.
Just as Chloe walks out of the room she was in with Alexa she then bumps into me then she got a fright to see me here.
She really thought she got rid of me but I'm here now and there's nothing her or her Mom can do about that.
Chloe: "What are you doing here?"
Me: "I'm back"
Chloe: "Oh Could this day get any worse?"
Me: "While I'm around, oh it could, you better watch your back, don't you ever write a stupid, mean, hurtful like that ever again"
Chloe: "And who's gonna stop me? You?"
Me: "We will see Sis, we will see"
Chloe got angry before our match and I won after hitting my Mom's finisher and now that I'm back I mean business around here, I'm after more than just the RAW Women's title, I'm after a lot of things, including getting back who was mine.... Seth Rollins.
Speaking of the devil he was just waiting for me after my match and as I was on walk abouts I saw him just waiting for me.
Me: "Seth?"
Seth: "Yes me"
Me: "I'm so happy to see you again"
Seth: "Me too"
(I hugged him)
Me: "Thank you for getting the truth for me, I appreciate it"
Seth: "Your welcome, besides what are friends for?"
Me: "So what did you want to talk to me about?"
Seth: "About that.... well, I kinda made a mistake about breaking up with you, I want you back"
Me: "Really?"
Seth: "Yes really, I'm glad your back, I missed you Jordan"
Bayley: "We all missed you, Chloe runs this place a little too much"
Me: "She thinks she owns the place, well she doesn't own it now, she lost again tonight"
Sasha: "That's great, we are glad to have you back Jordan"
Seth: "I'm glad to be back with you, I love you"
Me: "I love you too"
I have more plans as I said before, I plan on retracing my Mom's foot steps only making them my own, she thought like a boss and that's what I really love about her and when I do just that, well that's gonna be epic!

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