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The name’s Kai. Kai Muhinyi. I recently moved to Japan with a mission at hand. Before Japan, I would simply travel just to get here. Hard to travel with no money. So, I had to pick up jobs every chance I got.

Oh, by the way, I’m actually a girl. I know, I have a male name, though,
I wasn’t the one who picked it. To be honest, I’m not sure who did. I don’t remember much of my life before Karoku’s kidnapping or accident. I'm not too sure anymore. Even his accident is blurry.

I’ve travelled over seas, sneaking onto boats and ships every chance I got and at times, I'd have to swim to the nearest islands. Finally, I made it to
Japan where I hope to find Karoku, as well as a someone very special to me.

We’ll get into that detail later once I find them. In the beginning, I never even knew he existed, though, once my memories were restored, I realized just how important he is to me.

Now, enough of the background story. Let the chaos begin! 😝

I run down the dimly lit streets of a small city in Japan. To be honest, I don't even know the name of the city! I duck into alleyways to keep hidden from the night guards patrolling around. Guards patrol this city to keep an eye out for Varuga.

Apparently the Varuga count is very high here. Once the Varuga are spotted, they contact ‘Circus’ immediately. I’ve heard many things about ‘Circus’ and I’m not exactly against their organization, though, I don’t like the idea of it. ‘Circus’ seems really sketchy to me.

Thankfully, I dodge the guards and make it to the end of town towards the park. I run through the park only to hide in the gazebo. I need to get some rest though, it gets so cold at night, in which, I can’t relax enough to sleep. I rest my head against the railing as I sit on the floor of the gazebo.

As I begin to calm myself, I can tell that something’s off. My ears; I can hear different pitches which allow me to pin point the direction of the being or thing. The noise becomes louder as I then cover my ears. The ringing won't stop!

I slowly get up as the high pitched sound is giving me a headache. I run out of the gazebo to glance over towards the woods. I can’t see anything because it’s too dark.

I shake my head as I then turn around to leave the park. I’ll find another place to stay. Maybe if I get away from here now, my headache may go away faster. As I’m rushing down the sidewalk, the ringing in my ears grows louder, as if trying to approach me. I swiftly turn around to see a large, slimy looking man walk out of the forest.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Just wanted to give you a taste of what's to come. I'll be updating again soon. Please enjoy!!🌹

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