Chapter 17

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Nai and I hold one another for a while, then we begin to talk about the future and how excited we are for what’s to come. After a couple hours of spending time with Nai, I get off of his bed to take my stand.

“Nai, I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you, though, I really should go tell Yogi that I’ll be staying for good. He seemed quite upset the last time I saw him,” I speak in a sorrowful tone.

Nai nods as he hops out of bed, then he hugs me tightly before leading me out the door.

“We’ll take you to his room,” Nai announces in the hall, catching Gareki’s attention.

“Hey, is it true? You’re really gonna stay this time,” Gareki questions me in a softer tone.

I smile softly as I give him a nod, then he smirks as he turns his head away from me. As we begin our walk to Yogi’s room, Nai takes the lead while Gareki and I fall shortly behind.

Gareki bumps my arm as he whispers, “You should’ve heard how bad he wanted you back. Honestly, I’m kinda glad you’re staying with us. It’ll be hard with training and going to school, but I suppose it’s worth it in the end. You’ll be living like us in no time.”

I smile happily towards him as I then giggle softly.

“Thanks, Gareki. It means a lot coming from you. I can’t wait for what’s to happen next. But as long as I’m with you guys, I believe anything is worth having a team or a family by your side,” I whisper back.

Gareki scoffs lightly before shaking his head, then he buries his hands in his pockets as he looks down.

“I guess you’re right. Suppose I never really thought as positive as you do,” Gareki comments before we approach Yogi’s door.

Nai knocks on the door and clarifies that it’s him, then Nai and Gareki leave me behind at Yogi’s door. I hold my arm close to my side as Yogi unlocks his door before slowly creaking it open.

“Kai,” he questions, puzzled as to what I’m still doing here.

I continue to hold my head down as I ask, “May I come in?”

Yogi was hesitant before opening his door and moving out of the way, allowing me entry.

“As you can see, I didn’t leave. I, um, well, I suppose after a lot of thought and discussion, I agreed that I’ll stay with Circus and I’ve already applied to become a member. I even signed up for training and I begin tomorrow. I’m not sure who my mentor will be, though, I’m fairly excited for this new chapter,” I explain.

Yogi was standing prior to me speaking, though, once I told him I’ll be staying, he fell back on his bed before sitting up again, looking at me with excitement beaming in his eyes. I glance up at Yogi to find him beaming brightly, grinning from ear to ear as he’s happy to hear such news.

I giggle softly at his reaction, then my smile fades as I then question, “If I may ask. Are you happy because I’m not leaving or because Circus will be gaining a new member?”

Yogi’s smile fades as he stares at me blankly, thinking of his answer properly. Yogi sighs before long and looks down at the blanket underneath him.

“Hmm, I suppose I didn’t tell you. I’ve enjoyed spending time with you and getting to know you better. It’s been a lot of fun. I was quite upset earlier knowing that you’d be leaving. Honestly, it hurt me, but I felt even worse for Nai. My point is, why wouldn’t I be happy knowing that my new friend’s coming back,” Yogi speaks in a solemn tone at some points, but for the most part, he seemed quite content.

I smile softly as I ask in a shy tone, “We’re friends?”

Yogi chuckles softly before he jumps up from his bed and approaches me closer.

“Of course, we are! Don’t you think,” his tone seemed happy before dropping to a more somber mood.

I contemplate for a moment, thinking of how much fun I’ve had with him. Not to mention, he treats me greatly and seems to always be there for me within this short time.

I hug Yogi’s torso tightly before I whisper, “We’re definitely friends.”

Yogi seemed taken aback for merely a moment before giving in and swiftly hugging me back.

“Hey, what do you say we go eat something for dinner and maybe hang out afterwards,” Yogi suggests.

I smile happily as I nod, then I gently push him away before we take our leave. For the rest of the night, Yogi and I hang out, watch movies, and simply talk. I definitely enjoyed the night with him. Seems Yogi and I wore ourselves out in his room and we ended up falling asleep in his bed. Needless to say, I woke up the next morning feeling quite embarrassed.

I wake up by feeling quite warm, and suddenly, I hear someone breathing ever so softly as they sleep. I swiftly open my eyes to find the blonde male laying beside me, fast asleep with me in his arms. I glance down at my waist to find Yogi’s arm wrapped around me firmly. Very cautiously, I lean in closer to him only to then kiss his lips softly. I carefully pull away, opening my eyes to find him still sleeping soundly. I smile softly as I brush his bangs off to the side and away from his eyes. Yogi’s eyes slowly flutter open only to meet my gaze.

“Good morning, Kai,” Yogi speaks happily, yet his voice is low after just waking up.

I avert my eyes away before sitting up in bed, gently pushing him away from me.

“Morning, Yogi. Um, I should get going. I believe I have training soon, so, I have to shower and change. Maybe I’ll see you at breakfast, okay,” I speak softly before crawling out of bed.

Yogi sits up in bed, giving me a puzzled look as I take my leave. Thank God! He wasn’t aware that I kissed him! I was so worried he may have been faking it, though, he seemed quite clueless. I return to my room a couple doors down before showering and changing into some training clothes. I simply wore a sports bra, some high waisted, black, knitted sweat pants, a thin white, off the shoulder shirt, and some athletic shoes. I throw my white locks up in a high ponytail before walking out the door only to find Hirato about to knock.

“Oh, why, good morning, dear,” Hirato speaks lightly.

I smile softly at him before giving him a nod in return. We exchange pleasantries before he gets down to why he’s here.

“You’ll be training with Tsukitachi, Circus’ First Ship Captain, at noon. If I’m correct, tomorrow, as long as Varuga aren’t too active, you’ll train with Jiki and Kiichi, Circus’ First Ship Fighters. Same time for those two tomorrow as well. Oh, I’ll warn you now, you’ll have a better day today than you will tomorrow,” Hirato informs me.

I stare at him momentarily as I’m still trying to think of how to take his warning. I nod my head slowly before looking down.

“Thank you, sir, for informing me. I appreciate it.”

Hirato gives me a nod before taking his leave.

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