Chapter 34

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Tsukitachi, Jiki, and Kiichi boarded our ship merely minutes after we both arrived shortly between one another. Hirato called us all into the meeting room to discuss what’s happened today, as well as my new position in Circus. I won’t get into the details, though, we all swapped theories as to what the academy has been planning and we’ve all had to undergo questions to make sure none of us are giving out any information.

Thankfully, the lot of us aren’t the spy, but we need to figure out who it is and fast, otherwise, Nai and I may be in more danger than we think. Once that’s put aside, Tsukitachi brought up my test, in which, Hirato informs us all on my vast achievement. Everyone congratulated me and seemed happy for merely a moment, until Hirato had to begin discussing my safety and position.

“Hirato, Kai’s strong. Trust me, I think Gareki and I know that the most out of all of you. My point is, if you’d like, I’d be glad to take her on as my assistant for a while. I’ll give her a month because I don’t plan on babying her like you did with Nai. So, I’ll take her on and if I’m able to report back to you that she’s strong enough on her own, then I think you ought to pair her up with Yogi. They really do make a great team,” Tsukitachi spoke aloud, hoping to rest his case.

Hirato seemed sort of annoyed by his saying, though, he kept his cool and just shook his head lightly as he sneers.

“Well, I suppose that’s not a bad idea. It seems you tend to have a bit more free time on your hands anyway, so, I don’t think this is such a bad idea afterall. Though, one thing that bothers me is that she and Nai would be separated for a month. How do we fix that,” Hirato voices his thoughts aloud.

Tsukitachi clicks his tongue before looking away, feeling embarrassed as he hadn’t thought that far ahead.

Jiki and Kiichi kept making glances towards one another before looking down at their laps while Jiki volunteered, “Um, Kiichi and I have already discussed this, but we’re willing to trade places with two members of your crew so they may go with Kai. Think of it as our apology for the first time we sparred.”

I swiftly look over at Jiki and Kiichi who seem to look quite guilty from the time that we sparred together. Yogi seemed quite pleased, as did Tsukumo and Hirato, while Nai and Gareki seemed super ecstatic about this opportunity.

Tsukitachi looks over at Jiki and Kiichi, while Hirato then questions, “And what do you think, Tsukitachi?”

Soon enough, Tsukitachi gives in as he then nods his head in agreement.

“Alright, fine. If you two are really okay with that, then I have no objection to it. The question is, who do you choose, Hirato,” Tsukitachi agrees before throwing the ball in Hirato’s court.

Hirato smirks as he takes a glance around the room before giving his answer, “Nai and Gareki. As much as I’d like to send Yogi along with you all, I need him here with Tsukumo. It’s sort of tough to separate Nai from those two anyway, so, it’s for the best.”

Yogi seemed quite disappointed and upset with Hirato’s answer, but I know he understands exactly where Hirato’s coming from.

Tsukitachi nods in agreement before taking his stand as he announces, “Very well then, it’s settled. We’ll set out tomorrow. For now, you better start packing and getting ready, you three. There’ll be no slacking around on my ship, so, you better kiss your leisure time goodbye while you’re with me. Now, we’ll be going. Be onboard by 9am sharp.”

Tsukitachi takes his leave while Jiki and Kiichi then get up to follow him out. Soon enough, we disband the meeting and call it a night, even though we all still have yet to eat dinner and pack for tomorrow. Nai, Gareki, and I agreed to pack up before dinner, that way we could shower and head to bed once we’re finished. As I’m in my room, packing a whole month’s worth of clothes, there’s a knock at my door.

“Come in,” I shout aloud.

The door opens only to reveal Yogi, whom looks quite solemn, especially after the meeting we had.

“Hey, Yogi. Is everything okay? You look pretty down,” I speak softly before escorting him over to my bed only to let him take his seat.

Before I go to turn around so I can return to packing once again, Yogi hugs me from behind, holding my waist firmly in his arms while he rests his face against my back.

“This may sound awfully weak of me, though, I don’t think I can bear being away from you for a month. Not now, not ever,” Yogi mumbles against my back, causing a sort of vibration to run down my spine.

“Yogi...” I trail off before prying his hands away only to turn around to face him again.

I gently hold the side of his face in my hand as I look down at him, simply admiring his features as I always do.

“I don’t think that makes you weak, in fact, I think it shows me that you’re not afraid to tell me how you’re feeling. I like that. Look, I don’t want to be apart from you either and I just know that I’ll have a tough time adjusting while being away from you. I mean, who’s going to keep me warm at night and hold me in their arms? Who’s going to cheer me up when I’m down or hug me when I need it most? Those things won’t put my mind at ease unless it’s you, Yogi. Trust me, it won’t be a whole month until we see each other again. Hirato told me that we have a festival coming up on Halloween. Not to mention, how many times do we partner up with Tsukitachi and his team within a week? We’re practically together all the time. So, we’re still going to be able to see one another, but don’t stress over the times we don’t, okay,” I spoke softly, hoping to reassure Yogi and put his mind at ease.

Yogi smiles happily at my words, seems he’s feeling a bit more relieved and more ecstatic than I thought. I ruffle his hair lightly before leaning forward to kiss the top of his head.

“I’ve got to finish packing, then we’re going to go eat dinner, and when I get back, I’ll be taking a shower and heading to bed. Do you wanna stay in here with me tonight? Or do you want me to stay in your room instead,” I run my plans by him before questioning Yogi.

He hugs me by my waist again before resting his forehead against my breasts.

“You can stay in my room tonight. But, if you don’t mind, I’d like to stay here while you pack. I want to spend as much time with you before you go,” Yogi answers before he grows sort of shy towards the end of his sentence.

I giggle softly as I gently stroke his hair, his blonde locks sliding through my fingers.

“Yeah, alright. Just don’t get in my way. I’d like to eat dinner soon, so, I need to hurry and pack up,” I give in before insisting I get back to what I was doing.

Yogi lets go of me only to allow me to return back to packing. It seems like the night went by in a flash as I had finished packing, ate dinner with everyone, and took a shower before going to Yogi’s room for the night. The next day, Yogi stayed by my side until after breakfast when Akari delivered a message to me. Seems Karoku wants to see me, assuming he got wind of my departure soon.

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