Chapter 42

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Minutes pass as I approach his office closer, anxiously awaiting to hear the results about the state Yogi’s in. Goodness, I can only hope for the best. Before long, I rush into Dr. Akari’s emergency room to the right of his office. Akari whips his head around to look at me before swiftly turning his head away as he continues to wash Yogi up.

“He’s just fine, Kai. Infact, he’s in more stable condition than ever before. I’m sure Gareki and Yogi have informed you of how he gets out of control sometimes. Well, the last few times, Yogi’s had a hell of a time recovering and he’s been unstable for a couple days at most. But by the looks of it, he should be awake within the hour,” Akari speaks aloud, reassuring me that Yogi’s going to be okay.

I smile happily as I fill with relief before turning around only to take my leave.

“I’ll be back later then, when he’s awake. Make sure to tell him that, please, Akari,” I add before closing the door behind me and heading back to my room. It’s actually getting kind of late and dinner should be ready, though, I’m not hungry after all of the things I’ve gone through today. I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, pondering of what could’ve happened and why I stopped it. Not to mention, I need to think of a way to tell Yogi about this and get him to believe me.

I’m really worried about it though. While my mind begins to spin and spiral with my thoughts, I soon lose track of time, when suddenly, someone knocks at my door. I crawl out of bed only to answer my door to find Gareki standing before me with Nai shortly behind him.

“Hey, you ready for dinner? Nai found it strange that you weren’t there, so, he thought we should fetch you real quick or at least make sure that you’re okay,” Gareki speaks lightly, almost sounding concerned himself.

I giggle nervously as I rub the back of my neck before reassuring them, “Oh, sorry about that, I lost track of time. I’m okay, so, don’t worry about me. Just been thinking nonstop. Anyway, shall we go then?”

Nai wraps his arm around mine before leading me out of my room while Gareki closes the door behind me. The three of us talk amongst ourselves before making our way into the dining hall to eat dinner. We ate and talked about our earlier mission before laughing the night away as we shared funny stories after dinner.

I really enjoyed the night, spending quality time with my family.

Suddenly, I had this feeling I had to go check on Yogi, so, I take my stand from the table as I announce, “Sorry to cut this short, guys. I should get going. Nai, Gareki, maybe we can have a sleepover tomorrow night. Goodnight everyone.”

Right as I go to take my leave, Nai stands up from the table only to hug me from behind.

“You could at least hug me before you head to bed for the night. Besides, I know you’re going to see Yogi. I checked on him earlier, too and I thought I’d stop in again before I go to bed as well,” Nai spoke softly as he points out what I’ll be doing.

He’s quite clever after all, seems he’s matured a bit since I’ve come around. I carefully pry his arms away before turning around to give him a hug properly this time.

I ruffle his hair as I smile softly and say, “Thanks, Nai. I’ll do better and give you a hug before bed each night. And thank you for understanding as well. Hopefully tomorrow we can have a little sleepover and hang out for a bit.”

Nai nods his head in agreement as he smiles happily, grinning from ear to ear.

“Alright, Goodnight, Nai. I love you,” I add before taking my leave.

Nai was so overjoyed he couldn’t even say anything back, which I thought was super adorable. After exiting the dining hall, I make my way over to Akari’s office once again for the night to see if Yogi’s awake yet.

Before long, I arrive at the door only to peek through the window to find Yogi sitting up in bed, eating his dinner while Akari sits across the room doing some paperwork at his desk. I knock on the door before walking into the room, smiling softly at Yogi, simply glad to see that he’s okay. Akari takes his stand before stretching and approaching me, resting his hand upon my shoulder.

“He’s better now and he can go to his room for the night. I’ve already unhooked him and he’s ready to leave once he’s finished eating. I leave him in your care,” Akari whispers near my ear before removing his hand from my shoulder as he takes his leave.

After Akari shuts the door behind him, I casually make my way over to Yogi as he continues to eat, keeping his head down. He doesn’t seem mad or upset, just extremely exhausted for some reason.

“Hey, Kai,” he greets me as I take my seat beside him while flashing me a faint smile.

“Are you feeling any better,” I question concerningly.

Yogi smiles softly as he nods his head, hoping to put my worries at ease.

“Hey, Yogi,” I call out to get his attention once more.

I look down as I fiddle my thumbs, building up the courage to ask him about earlier.

“Um, do you have any recollection of what happened earlier,” I question him curiously, though, my voice was shaking with nervousness.

Yogi stops eating momentarily as he contemplates while staring down at his plate.

“No, I don’t remember anything after my patch fell off. Though, I find it weird how after every time I change, I have the strangest and scariest dreams,” Yogi answers before giving me some more intel I need.

My gears begin to grind in my head, hoping to make a good connection and understand how likely the possibility may be.

“Mind telling me about your dream,” I ask sweetly, beaming with curiousity.

Yogi stops eating once again, though, his face begins to flush a bright red before he turns his head away from me.

He shakes his head swiftly in disagreement before whispering, “No, I can’t tell you this one. It’s embarrassing.”

I nod my head slowly before throwing out my hypothesis, “That’s okay, I understand. Yogi, I have a theory that what you do in that state actually ends up being your dreams later on. Sure, you may have a different twist or two in the dream because not all of your dreams are precise. Either way, if you don’t mind, could I tell you what happened, just so we can test if this is right?”

Yogi glances over at me as he contemplates the idea before nodding his head in agreement. I begin describing to Yogi what happened after his patch fell off, in which, everything went well. Seems Yogi didn’t dream all of it, but a good majority of it. I go on to explain to him of how he approached me and when he wrapped me up with him in a vine cage. I told him I smacked him due to what he said to piss me off, in which, Yogi then holds the side of his face, rubbing it lightly.

“That explains why my face hurts a bit. I’m sorry I said that. You know I didn’t mean it, right,” Yogi speaks solemnly as his eyes are full of hurt.

I shake my head lightly before smiling softly.

“Don’t worry, Yogi. I didn’t believe you, though, I was a bit upset and shocked at the time, which is why I then smacked you, hoping to knock a bit of sense into your other self. Anyway, it’s fine, no need to apologize,” I assure him.

Yogi smiles contently before then falling back into his thoughts, which only caused him to blush furiously as he thought about what happened next.

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