Chapter 10

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Yogi nods as he then removes his hand from his face before looking down, still in a solemn mood. As soon as we've finished eating, I gather our plates and bring them over to sink only to wash them. I hear Yogi get up from his chair as he begins to call Gareki.

"Kai," he calls out before Gareki calls out his name as well.

I glance over at him only to find him laughing nervously as Gareki appears on the projecting screen.

"Where the hell have you been?! I've been looking for you, stupid," Gareki yells with irritation.

I continue washing the dishes as Yogi takes the call. I think he was going to stop me from washing the dishes, but Gareki stopped him instead. As I can hear their chattering in the background, my thoughts are being consumed, ignoring their conversation. I'm too worried about how this may go. I'm scared that he won't like me or that we won't remember each other.

I'm terrified. I begin to shake a bit as I feel chilly. I feel as though I could have a full-on panic attack at any moment. I'm really scared now. Yogi ends the call before approaching my side and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Well, we have... Kai, you're shaking. Is everything okay? Are you cold? What's going on," Yogi questions me as he fills with concern.

I shake my head, pushing my fears out from my mind before focusing my attention on Yogi.

"Huh? Oh, uh, I'm fine. Just a little chilly, I suppose. I'm alright, don't worry," I reassure him.

He was still uncertain and very leery of my reassurance as he steps away from me.

"Okay, well, I'll go fetch you a jacket. Just wait here until I return," Yogi speaks cautiously before taking his leave.

Within minutes, I finish the dishes before Yogi's return. As soon as he's returned, he wraps a black cloak around me before buttoning it in the front.

"There you go. Aww, you look cute, as usual," Yogi comments.

I avert my eyes away as I blush lightly.

"Um, thanks, Yogi. We should head to Akari's office to see if he's heard any results back yet. He said within the hour and it's been a little while now," I speak softly before heading towards the door to take my leave.

He follows behind me and I lead him to Akari's office. Within minutes, we arrived and I walk into his office while Yogi stands outside, looking quite cowardice. I shake my head as I smile softly at his reactions.

"Oh, you're back already. I take it, you were on your way to meet Nai, but you want the results first, correct," Akari speaks in his usual monotone voice as he walks through another door and over to his desk chair.

"Yes, that's right," I state before approaching him closer by sitting on the bed behind his chair.

"Have you received any results yet or do I still have to wait," I question, sounding quite somber.

Akari sighs as he leans back in his chair.

"You're in luck. I've just received the files moments ago. Seems your results are identical or quite similar to Nai's in many different ways. For example, you're not a full blooded Niji, actually you're only a quarter, whereas Nai is a half-blood. The results show that you two are siblings though. Not just siblings, Kai, you and Nai are indeed twins. As if it was hard to tell, but it's still good to have solid evidence to prove this much. Do you have any questions," Akari informs me before questioning me simply.

I shake my head before taking my stand.

"No, I believe I've got all the information I need, for now. Thank you, Doc. I appreciate your help," I speak solemnly before approaching the door, but I find myself coming to a stop as I grab the door handle.

"Actually, one more question. Where exactly am I from? What island, I mean," I ask plainly.

Akari sighs as he sits up straight in his chair before taking his stand.

"You're from a small island near Karasuna. Nai's already been there and it's full of danger for you there. Especially since you and Nai attract Varuga, you'd be screwed," Akari states bluntly.

I nod as I look down, trying to recollect my thoughts once more.

"Oh, okay. Well, thank you for your time. I'll see you around then," I speak somberly before exiting his office, closing the door behind me.

I continue to keep my head down until I hear footsteps rushing down the hall. My gaze is met by Gareki, who's jogging over to Yogi and I.

Yogi takes his stand as he questions concerningly, "Whats wrong, Gareki?"

I step a bit closer to him, observing him momentarily.

"Nai is in a rush to meet me, isn't he," I question, hoping my senses are right on this.

Gareki raises an eyebrow as he's shocked I figured it out.

He nods his head slowly before admitting, "Yeah, you're right. Nai sent me to check on you. It took a bit of convincing, but I soon gave in after his annoying ass wouldn't shut up."

I smirk softly at his last comment, then I look away as I sense Yogi glancing over at me.

"Well, let's get going then! We agreed that they'd meet in the library, so, let's go," Yogi speaks joyously.

I nod before my gaze falls to the ground, then Gareki and Yogi lead the way as I follow behind. I hold my hands in front of me as I continue to keep my head downward. Suddenly, someone bumps my elbow, causing my gaze to avert towards them.

"Do you even want to meet him," Gareki questions curiously.

I swallow hard at his question, then I find myself questioning my own choices. I sigh softly before looking down once again.

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