Chapter 6

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I look away as I blush softly. He’s pretty cute. Soon enough, Doctor Akari returns to take my blood. Yogi scoots back against the wall only to back away from Akari. Yogi’s so goofy, he slays me. As Akari sets everything up, then wipes my arms clean, Yogi glances over at me.

“Do you need some kind of stress ball or a hand to hold,” Yogi questions softly.

Akari glares at Yogi as he exclaims angrily, “I’m the Doctor here, not you, dummy! You’re no longer needed here, get out!”

Before Yogi leaves, I grab his hand as I say, “Thanks, that’d be great."

Yogi looks at me with shock, then he smiles sheepishly as he looks down. Akari sticks me with a few needles and finally takes enough blood to where I now feel dizzy. Akari cleans me up and throws everything away.

“After that, you need to eat something. Yogi, take her to the kitchen to eat,” Akari demands.

Yogi nods nervously, then I let go of his hand as he stood up. The look that Yogi turned to give me, I felt pretty bad. He seemed shocked I let go of his hand, then he became upset for some reason. Hmm, I wonder why he’d feel that way exactly. I get up from the bed as I thank Akari for everything, then Yogi and I leave Akari’s office.

As we’re heading towards the kitchen, Yogi gasps as we turn a corner. Yogi swiftly wraps his arm around my waist as he uses his free hand to cover my eyes while pulling me back around the corner. My breath becomes heavy as I begin to feel anxious and nervous.

“Uh, Y-Yogi,” I question in a whisper.

He holds my waist as bit tighter as he whispers reassuringly, “It’s okay. Just be quiet.”

I close my eyes as I try to relax.

“What the hell are...” a familiar voice questions with annoyance in his voice, though, he soon trailed off.

Yogi spins me around to turn me away from the person.

After a moment, silence drops as I then hear a voice exclaim, “Gareki! Let me go! What’s going on?! Who is that?!”

I grab onto Yogi’s wrist to slowly pull his hand away. He wouldn’t budge though. I can’t move his hand. I pull at it some more, yet he still won’t budge.

“Yogi, please, let me see him, please,” I beg softly.

Yogi opens his hand a bit to let me peek through. I see a boy about my age, being dragged away by Gareki. He has white hair like me, with purple at the ends as well. I only caught a glimpse of him before they turned another corner. Yogi removes his hand from my eyes as he looks down. He soon slides his hand off of my waist as he begins to walk away.

“I’m sorry I did that to you. It’s just, you two can’t meet yet. You have to wait a bit longer,” he says solemnly.

I follow behind Yogi as I stare at the red carpeted floor.

“Here’s the kitchen. Just look around and find something to eat. I’ll be back momentarily,” Yogi speaks softly.

He sounds upset. Before he walks off, I grab his wrist to stop him.

“Um, I’m sorry if I’ve messed things up or upset you,” I speak sincerely as I stare at the floor.

Yogi turns to glance over his shoulder at me.

“Don’t worry, you didn’t do anything wrong and I’m not upset with you, silly,” he says reassuringly.

I glance up at him to see Yogi smiling brightly. His smile is beautiful. I love it. He makes me smile every time he does the same. It’s as if his smile is contagious. I smile wearily as I feel a bit tired from tonight.

“Are you still going to leave me alone for a bit,” I question somberly as I look back down.

Yogi tilts his head as he looks down at me. He ruffles my hair as he shakes his head.

“No, of course not. Come on, let’s get you something to eat,” he says softly as he opens the door to the kitchen.

“Big Sister?! What’re you doing in here,” Yogi questions out of shock.

A woman, about Hirato’s age stands in front of a counter, eating a sandwich while drinking a glass of wine. She has beautiful turquoise hair, as well as blue and green eyes. It’s as if the blue and green in her eyes are swirled around one another. They’re very unique.

“Woah. Since when did Nai grow out his hair... Wait a minute. How drunk am I,” she questions as she then hiccups.

Yogi sighs softly as we then approach her.

“You’re not that drunk and stop drinking! This is Kai. We’re assuming she’s Nai’s sister. We took her in tonight because we had gotten a radar of Varuga surrounding the park nearby. Needless to say, she attracts Varuga and possessors just like Nai. Doctor Akari is doing as much research as he can to figure this out. Until then, Nai isn’t to know who she is and they aren’t to meet one another yet,” Yogi explains to the woman.

She smiles down at me as she then ruffles my hair.

“She’s just as cute as Nai, if not cuter. You could definitely be his twin, there’s no denying that. I’m Iva, by the way. Circus’s Second Ship Lieutenant. Pleasure to meet you,” she speaks drunkenly.

I avert my eyes away as I ignore the stench of booze coming from her. Ugh, she’s definitely a heavy drinker. Yogi gently placed his hand on my lower back as he guides me to the fridge.

“Look, you’ve already scared her. We’re just here to get some food, then head back to the living quarters until further instructions or results,” Yogi explains as he searches the fridge.

Finally, he pulls out some leftovers from the fridge to sit down on the counter.

“What would you like? We have plenty of other foods, too,” Yogi speaks kindly.

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