Cortiviari ; Winter 'Games' pt 2

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"Oh!" I moaned, Olivia's pace quickening as I sat straddled, Maris legs sprawled over me.

My body began shaking as I did the same with Mari, hearing her panting louder as her fingertips dug into my shoulders.

"Harder" she gasped. I pulled her hair tighter to me, her head burrowing into my neck as my hand was thrusting in and out of her and quicker speeds.
She whined, moaning in my ear as I was gasping.

"O-Oliv-" Mari's hand covered my mouth as Olivia shushed me.
It was then she slowed down, my legs shaking as I felt her hot breath against my inner thing.

My body began to tense as i patiently waited for her.
Mari humming louder as she dug herself into me harder. Right as Olivia's tongue gently touched my pussy. Immediately i began to moan as her tongue moved around, seemingly knowing what she was doing as my knees began to shake.

"Oh my god-" I moaned, having Mari practically bouncing on my hand as she moaned louder than before.

She bit my neck gently, panting and groaning as she came.
Her nails relieving as I bit down on my lip.

Mari moved off of me and Olivia's hands moved up my body. Her nails gently scratching my sides and back, making giving me goosebumps.

Mari pressed herself against Olivia's bare back, clutching One of Olivia's breasts as her other hand slowly tailed down Olivia's stomach.

I quickly grabbed Olivia's hair, clasping it tightly between my fingers as my nails dug through the duvet, scrunching it up in my other hand.
I was basically screaming, moaning so loud as my breath started to shake.

Olivia adjusted herself to different positions, gently fingering me as she continued. The sensations ran through me, biting down on my lip to try and quieten myself. But it didn't work.

"My god- I think I'm gonna-" I moaned, having Olivia go harder and faster. My toes curled.
I could barely control myself as my knee's woobled and a hard sensation ran up my spine.
"My god- Olivia!"I yelled.
My body tightening and myself groaning as my back arched with me cumming. I moaned slightly, tingling running through my body.
I got down to Olivia's level, kissing her, hard as I pressed myself against her.

Mari was kissing her neck as her and I began to full on make out.
She moaned, gently rubbing me as she did, I twinged and she clutched my breast, gently playing with in in her hand.

She groaned again, this time entering me once more.
I huffed, feeling her throb her fingers inside me.
I moaned again, panting as I pulled from our kiss.
She pulled me back, herself moaning between kissed, til she can't catch her breath.

She began moaning louder, forcing her hands in me quicker and harder.
I dug my nails into her arm, throwing my head back as she squeezed my breast.
"Mmmm" I hummed, tugging at Olivia as she pulled back at me, moaning louder. "Oh- oh fuck" She jittered, thrusting in me harder. "Fuck" she whined, curling her fingers inside me, causing me to groan again.

"Cum for me-" she shook, going harder and faster as she pulled away and began kissing my neck. I moaned against her, her pushing her bare body against mine, one hand still against my breast.
"Ah-" I moaned in excitement. Her hand throbbing harder. Sweat dropped from my forehead, hearing me practically yelling as I held her hand against me.
"Oh- oh yes" I moaned, heat swelling throwing my body, clutching against her.

She went harder, har other hand driving up and grabbing my hair, pulling my head back.
"Oh-" I groaned over and over, feeling my body clench and Olivia claps tighter on me.
She pulls my hair back. Hard. And continues pounding me until my whole body tenses, and I scream passionately.

My moaning lowers as I wipe sweat from my forehead.
"My- my god.. that was.." I stuttered, still feeling the affects.

Olivia was soaked in sweat, pulling her hands from me and Mari was the same.
"Oh shit" Mari called. "We forgot! Dinner!"

I raised my eyebrows as it was a rushed to get changed.
"Get dressed!" The urged me.

I did as they said, quickly washing up and getting changed before meeting them in the hall.

"Do you think they heard us?" Olivia whispers.

"I don't think so." Mari replied. "But we've been gone for half an hour, they might suspect something."

We all make our way to the dining hall and see all of our friends and co workers there.
They were silent, staring at us.

"Maybe.. they did." I muttered, my cheeks burning.

"Uh.. hey.. guys.." Ian gulped. Looking quite embarrassed.

"Uh.." my eyes widened. "Haha.."

"I see- I see you found Courtney.." they nodded. None of them had touched their food.

"Uh, Yeah. She was- she was showering.." Olivia muttered..

"Alone..?" Ian queried.
We all nodded and everyone looked away.

Then Lasercorn walks out from the kitchen.

"Yo, guys I swear I hear someone banging." He states. Then notices everyone fixed gaze upon us.

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