chapter 7

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As Basch  started to clean his mind wouldn't leave him alone. Why was that? BECAUSE  Austria just called him, Basch, the person not country beautiful.

He often got complemented on his natural beauty of his land by others, but rarely ever him as a person.

Unless someone was horny and saw "oh look a neutral nation, imma just slide over ".

But he couldn't let the Austrians charm get to him! Hed broken to many hearts of other nations!. He frowned when remembering what Hungary told him.

"Austria has a way of making people think it's all for the romance,  but really its for the sex, dont get to close to that man".

Why didn't Hungary tell him that the moment he fell for him!?. He peered out the window as a black genesis  car pulled into the driveway. He sighed when he saw Prussia come out if it.

Gilbert walked up to the door and knocked, a scowel on his face "open up Asstria I know your in there you fuck!" He pounded. Switerland imeadiatly got defensive no one calls him Asstria except me. He walked over to the door and opened it up.

"What do you want east Germany?" He said bitterly with a look of rage. Prussia stepped back "Swissy?, Uh... is austria around? ...Or Kugelmugel?" He asked.

Switerland gripped the door knob "you may speak to Roddy but don't even think about talking to Kris" he stepped aside to let him in. Prussia looked confused, why was Switerland so defensive? Wasn't he neutral?!.

Prussia came in the home and took a seat on the couch while Switerland got austria to come into the room. "What do you want Gilbert?" He asked his brother who stood up. "I'll tell you what i want, I want my kid"


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