Chapter 17

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Kugelmugel was busy setting the table. Making sure every napkin was perfect, fork, knife and spoon were just right and each water glass had exactly four ice cubes. They had been doing this ever since getting to Switzerland's house, no one was complaining since they didn't want to set the table. Switzerland walked in with four plates of Älplermagronen (its fricking delicious yall need to try that shit). "Ah thank you for setting the table" he said and put down the plates, Kugelmugel followed close behind him to straighten the plates. Switzerland giggled at this but allowed them to do so.

He walked to the bottom of the staircase and hollered "LIETCHIENSTIEN! LATVIA! DINNER!" he screamed up the staircase. The two pulled away from there game of risk and quickly rushed down the staircase "Coming Switzy!" Lietch called out to him as she pulled Latvia behind her and down the staircase.

Soon everyone was seated comfortably and dinner started. All was quiet except for Kugelmugel talking about their adventures with the goats from sunrise till evening. Lietchienstien turned to her older brother when a pause appeared in Kugelmugel's goat talk. "Switzy, what day should we leave for the dance? It's in two days" she claimed. Latvia felt anxiety hit him like a freight train. He didn't want to ho, he couldn't. Russia would be there, hed die, he'd be killed or...punished for running away.

Switzerland shrugged "Tommorrow morning we leave for Belgium" he took a bite of his dinner. Latvia looked up "I-in the same car?! I can stay behind if you think it would be crammed-" he was cut off. "Latvia pack your things, Ukraune is picking you up at the party" Switzerland claimed. The table went silent "...So Latvia is leaving?" Kugelmugel asked quietly. Switzerland nodded "Indeed, Canada and Ukraine told me he could go live with them since Russia won't go after him in Canada, its safer for everyone" he spoke stone coldly. Latvia looked as if a heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He lived Visiting Ukraine and Canada was really nice to him, knowing his very existence wouldnt be a danger to Lietchienstien anymore made him feel even better. Lietchienstien on the other hand felt a sadness in her heart that she hated. She knew he'd gave to go soon but she didn't want him to. Then again it was the safest option.

Timeskip to the next morning.

"Cause you're not a simple sponge, wish he'd see I'm not just the sponge next door-" "WILL YOU SHUT UP?!" Five hours. Five hours of nothing but singing. At first it was fine untill they all hit the bottom of the barrel musicals and Kugelmugel started singing "You're not a simple sponge" from the Sponge Bob musical. "Sorry, I just ran out of good songs" they admitted. Latvia removed his earbuds "How about a dollanganger song?" He offered. Switzerland felt horrified, having read the story and slowed the car "What the hell? No! No were not singing that! That thing has songs?!" He was shook. Latvia quickly waved his arms "No no no! Not that kind of song! Dollanganger is just her stage name- nevermind" he put his earbuds back on.

"Can I drive?" Lietchienstien asked. Switzerland shoon his head "Nope, 23 to drive in Belgium, sorry" he kept driving, seeming very tired. Kugelmugel hugged there knees and soon fell asleep, their face pressed against the window, causing a condensation on it.

After another our and a half they reached the hotel. Switzerland laid his head on the steering wheel and just sat there, eventually falling asleep while the other three carried up the bags. They decided to let him stay I'm the car with a window down, he was sleeping after all.

Soon everything was unpacked and nice and tidy. Kugelmugel was sent down to her Switzerland from the car. Kugelmugel skipped down the staircase and out to the parking lot. They reached through the open window "Mutti, Mutti it's time to wake" they told him. Switzerland soon came to and opened his eyes "Eh?! oh uh...what is it? How long was I out?" He asked groggily. Kugelmugel giggled "An hour, we unpacked everything, I'm hungry, can we get fries?" They asked, tugging on his sleeve.

Switzerland rolled his eyes "Yes yes we can go get fries and chicken, c'mon run up and get Lili and Raivis, I'll look up a place to go" he ushered Kugelmugel back into the hotel while he scrolled on his phone till finding a place.

Soon they ended up going to a diner, it was a nice place and they got chicken and fries. They were sitting at a booth discussing when they would leave fir the party, what they would do about the who Latvia situation and Kugelmugel wanting to facetime the goats. Soon they ended up at the hotel, Latvia told Kugelmugel they could go play some risk if they left Switzerland and Lietchienstien alone for abit and of course Kugelmugel agreed to leave them.

The two siblings sat on the couch in the lobby in silence for abit untill Lili spoke "Switzy, I brought some jewlery that I think might match your dress" she offered. Switzerland shook his head and crossed his arms "I-Im not sure I want to wear it tommorow" he scooted. She frowned and scooted over to give him a hug. He tensed " just, doesn't feel right without him here, i opened up to him and Kugelmugel first and I dunno- this is stupid it's all stupid- what if people laugh?!" He looked up scaredly. Lietchienstien's eyes widened "Why would they laugh?!" She asked.

He shrugged "I'm, the tough guy. They see me and think of me as this...this man who shoots people in his yard for fun!". "I'm not...I-Im not that manly... am I?" Switzerland paused, never having said that outloud before and cried softly. Lietchienstien hugged Switzerland "I love you... big brother...and if you can wear the dress infront of people, you'll be ready to do it infront of'realeats si happy when I do your makeup and things, it diesnt make you any less of a man if you like to cross dress". Switzerland looked up "I just dont want to look weak infront of everyone, peopleexpect things like this From France, not me" he spoke quietly as they hugged eachother.

I'm sorry it took so long I just wanted it to be perfect

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