chater 11

437 19 2

Hungary sighed and sat down on her bed. She was worried, kugelmugel was HER child, he was being taken care of by her ex husband.

She was as ready to take care of him now that she had her life together now, but Austria just wasnt letting that happen!.

She felt like crying, was wasn't he letting her take care of her child?! What was his problem with her wanting her child back?!. She slumped in her seat and burried her face in her hands sobbing.

Prussia felt horrible for his brother, he had raised his nephew like his own son. And suddenly 53 years later they wanted him back.

He stopped when hearing the sobbing of his wife in the other room. His heart sank and he stood up to go to the room, his boots clicking against the floor and went into the room.

It broke his heart to see her like this, she wanted her son back so bad, hell they had been trying for another baby but nothing had worked. He slowly walked in and sat down next to her, his thin arms wrapped around her and he hugged the sobbing disheveled woman.

"Its okay Erzsebet, we're going to be okay" he rocked her back and forth as she started to calm down. "Why wont he let us see him Prussia?! Is he still angry with me over the divorce?! Is that why hes doing this to us?!" She cried.

Prussia shook his head "I dont know Hungary, I dont know".

Austria sat down signing papers with Switzerland at his side. A pounding headache shot up his brain stem and stabbed into his head. He closed his eyes tightly and grunted. "Austria are you okay?" Switzerland asked. "I'm okay I'm okay" he opened his eyes and squinted as he kept signing the papers and handed it back to the nurse.

"Switzerland, do you think he's... sick again?" Austria's voice shook as he asked. Switzerland became worried- more than he always was "what do you mean, again?" He asked quietly. "When he was a baby he was always sick, till he was about six in human years" he said. Switzerland decided, maybe break it to him now?

"They" he told the taller, Austria looked at him in confusion "what do you mean, they?" He asked. Switzerland sighed "kugelmugel, they might have dysphoria, don't diagnose without a therapist but...they were sobbing to me about not feeling like a girl or boy".

Austria was, shocked why didn't kugelmugel tell him?!. "...I'll get them a therapist, I never figured...".

The two stayed silent for a long time, Switzerland fell asleep against austrias arm, Austria held him and the two fell asleep.

It hurt, kugelmugel woke up with no feeling but pain in there abdomen. They sprawled around the bed as a nurse noticed they were finnaly awake. She rushed over to there side and tried to relax them.

"Shhhh shhh I know it hurts sugar, I'm going to get you some medicine, dont touch your stitches and scars okay?" She asked. They nodded, there arms shaking, trying not to.

The nurse rushed to a cart down the hall. "Mutti...Vader! I want my parents!" They screamed. The nurse quickly rushed back in, the cup of two pills rattling in her hands. "Sugar it's okay it's okay, here take this" she handed them the pills, there hands shook, spilling water over there gown but eventually downed the pills.

They laid down on the pillow, tears stinging ths corners of there eyes. Why did it hurt so much?

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