Chapter 15

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Lili giggled and continued to chopped the carrots. "And then we cleaned up and went to bed" Lochtenstien admitted. By this time the rest of the female nations had left Lichtenstein stayed behind to spend some quality time with her mother and half sibling.

Kugelmugel just kept drawing and peaked up "How is mutti?" They asked, having seen Switzerland in months now. Hungary felt abit of jealousy but ignored it for the time being, of course the child missed Switzerland, having not been around there father the only other father figure in there life was Switzerland..

"He's doing alright, hes angry and such, but that's normal for him, he misses you abit" she explained and crawled over and sitting next to them and looking over there shoulder. "You have a pretty drawing" she smiled. Kris nodded "mhm pretty" they said and put there things down as the front door opened up.

Prussia came in looking like hed been crying and emotionally drained. Hungary looked at him and could tell something happened "Lichtenstein take Kugelmugel upstairs I think Gilbert needs to talk with me" she stated.

Lichtenstein looked over at Prussia and quickly understood. She gathered up Kris's things and took them by the hand upstairs where she tried to distract them with stories but thet could tell something was wrong. Could they go see there father soon?.

"Gilbert what's wrong?" She asked softly as the prussian sat on the couch still stunned from what he had just done. "I'm a murderer liz" he mumbled, she hushed her voice in shock "Gilbert...what the fresh tittie did you do?" She questioned. "Well...I had some of my meds with me, so...I had him take them, and he died" he said still stunned from what he had done.

"Gil are you insane?! There are CAMERAS they will know you did it- not that you killed your brother!" She yelled at him. Prussia stood almost ignoring her and went into the restroom. He combed his hair, put on something comfy, brushed his teeth and walked back out, Hungary hadn't stopped her yelling.

"He'll thank me when hes back and well, in the meantime I'm going to jail" he spoke in that same distant tone Hungary had been worrying about. "Gilbert this isn't okay! What am I supposed to do with Kris?!" She pressed back. He shrugged "like hell if I know, here" he pulled his wallet from his pocket and gave it over to Liz. 'Maybe they'll give the awesome me A Lighter sentence once they find out what I am" he joked to his now crying wife.

He sat on the front porch waiting and soon enough to squad cars pulled infront of the house. Kugel watched the cars pull up and before Lichtenstein could do anything they rushed downstairs and out the front door twards the officers who were cuffing up his 'uncle'. "Uncle Gilbert no! No why are they taking you?!" They asked peering over at Hungary whom and officed was trying to console.

Yet they soon recieved there answer "Gilbert Beldchmidt, you are under arrest for the murder of Roderich Edlestien"

Kris pulled there hands from there silent uncle who looked at them with a apologetic look.

There world shattered in that moment, they couldnt go see there father tomorrow. You see no one had taught the micronations how nation death works, Sealand knew since he had died many times during the war but never told the others thinking there guardians told them.

"Yes, I am they" they said in a small tearful voice. "We'll your supposed to go to a man's home in Switzerland, does that ring any bells?" The officer asked. Kugelmugel nodded rubbing there eyes "Mutti" they whimpered.

Lichtenstein hurried down the stairs and onto the porch where an officer was waiting for her after Hungary had blabbed about having a daughter.

"Miss are you Lili Zwingli?" The man asked her. She nodded worriedly "Yes? Why is my uncle being taken?" She asked, her voice shaking. The officer bit his lip "look kid, he did something horrible to a very sick man" he explained.

Lichtenstein sniffled "my Dad? Roderich Edelstein?" She tried not to break down. "Yes, I'm afraid, but you live with Basch Zwingli correct?" He asked. She wiped a tear from her cheek "Yes". "Well, we need you to take that little boy over there home with you by mr Edelstein's will" he told her.

Lichtenstein nodded "Yes Sir I'll take them home with me" hot tears ran down her cheeks.


Kugelmugel and Lichtenstein were absolute messes as they pulled until the driveway around one in the morning.

Switzerland and Latvia had already been up all night playing long rounds of chess and talking about books. Both were surprised to learn they had much in common with one another.

But they didn't expect the door to open up, much less kugelmugel to go running to Switzerland bawling hysterically and not making any sense.

Latvia looked to Lichtenstein for some sort of answer. Yet Lichtenstein looked void of all emotion as she clambered up the stairs "night" she said quietly.

Switzerland out his hands on kugelmugels shoulders "What's wrong Kris tell me!"

"Papa died!" They screamed out. Switzerland chilled to the bone. Austria was dead?

I'm sorry I've had writers block and I promised it would be out today. It's not 1000 words like I like it to be but close enough. 11:42 pm here so TECHNICALLY I got it out today

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