chapter eleven

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"Falling in Love comes with great commitment. If you don't live up to that commitment, you're fucked."



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The loud music blasts into the grand hall of the yacht. Everyone's all spread out throughout the grand size of the yacht, in which is quite mysterious since we've never been apart since Dubai. For some reason, I had a weird feeling.

I was dancing the night away with Bobby, when he told me he was going to get some drinks. I kept dancing and dancing to the music because I knew he would be able to see me so I decided to try and impress him from far away.

Turns out all that impressing, went to waste. As I was about to spin around and drop down I noticed Bobby with a girl. I watched them make out as tears started to well up in my eyes. I can't believe he betrayed me like that.

I ran out of the hall as fast as I can. I arrived to the terraces of the yacht when I hear a clicking noise behind me.


Jason and I drank a lot. By this point we were on our fifth or sixth shot. We were yelling our asses off, trying to at least somewhat stand out in the crowd. Jason then pulls me to the side for whatever reason. I don't know why, but I hope he's not proposing already.

He pulls me to a corner and we began making out. My eyes were open the whole time and I guessed I had a feeling something wasn't right. I pulled him off me. "I'm sorry, I don't feel good right now." I said and ran off.

I went inside the bathroom and I began to threw up. I guess the alcohol has finally got to me. I laid against the stall when my vision started to blur. This can't be happening right now. This just can't.


Asher and I were sitting at a table whispering sweet nothing to each other and holding hands. This is how I wanted the night to go, and thank god we haven't fought one bit. It's like my night is going perfect. Or so I thought.

I was sitting and looking at my phone when I realized that Asher was gone for quite some time now. I decided to walk around the dance floor for a little bit trying to look for him. I was peacefully looking around when two hands dragged me out and covered my mouth.

I know that it wasn't Asher. The hands felt foreign and I muffled under the persons hands. Dang their good at keeping their shit together. I feel something inject in me as I started to lose consciousness.

I'm losing memory.


Me and Sophia were standing by a corner just talking about how our lives have been. Everything was actually quite normal until some random person went to us. He had a thick spanish accent. Sophia looks over the mans shoulder and saw Aaron in line of view.

Sophia and I excuse ourselves and walked out of the grand ballroom. My high heels were staring to pain my feet and Sophia was nearly about to carry me on her back. Basically, I gave in and she ended up carrying me to a bench on top of the yacht.

Seoul was honestly a beautiful city. You could see the colorful lights, and just everything. Then we heard someone walk onto the deck of the yacht with us and I turned around and I was handcuffed to the bench.

Sophia was gone. Who took her?


Mikey has been acting quite weird lately and it's getting quite suspicious. He's been looking around the ballroom even when we were slow dancing. It as supposed to be the night of our lives and he's just distracted. Is it another girl, what's even going on at this point?

Mikey went to excuse himself to the restroom. I decided to follow him because he was supposed to be paying attention to me! I walked and expected him to be with some girl that I would've slapped the shit out of. But no. You know who I saw him with?

Saira. Saira Gupta. Why would he be with Saira Gupta?! I began walking backwards when I misstepped myself into the basement and the door locked out on me. I was alone and no one was aware of it. I was running around the basement trying to find a way out.

There was no way out.


At first I thought I was having the best night ever. Chloe and I were just messing around a bit and being troublemakers at the party. Then all of a sudden, Chloe disappears. I ran around looking for her, but she isn't around.
I began to worry for her.

I ran around to the the fourth floor of the huge ass yacht isaac somehow to manage get. I know he's a CEO but what the fuck he doesn't know how to save money does he? And what if someone else is in trouble? Fucking exactly! Now I'm running around like a fucking fat ass turkey with no purpose.

Yes, I was going mad and no one else was anywhere to be seen. Chloe couldn't be. If she was who the fuck is on the boat? Who's the snitch? Is it someone in the group? "GERALDY!!!" I hear Chloe scream.

By the time I got there, she was gone.


Everything is going successfully. We carefully planned how we were gonna map this whole thing out. We still have a few more people to catch though. There's a reason why we left them out in the open. Little did they know.

Two of them were supposed to be right off the boat. Two of them trapped. Two of them spiked. The rest of the people? They have to wait to find out. I shook Mikey's hand as I gave the cash to him and Mikey goes back to check on everything.

There's only one thing left to do.. For Now.

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