Chapter Three

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Yujin POV

"So.. Yujin, where do you plan to go first?" my annoying personal assistant wonyoung asked as we roam around the mall. It been years since I last went here and I wont deny its pretty nice.

The hanging decorations, colorful banners, different stalls, you name it! I may look like some cavemen wandering around but who cares I'm finally out.

"Ah Yujin look at out!" I didnt notice that I was walking toward a metal pole already, gladly I didnt hit on it. I guess thanks to this loud girl with me who's been following me since the whole time I was saved.

"Hands off." instead of saying thank you for saving me, I ended up glaring to her. I dont know to myself, I'm just annoyed whenever she's around. I'm irritated by her presence.

Or maybe I'm not just used to be with other people around, interacting with me. Maybe..

"Is that how you thank someone?" She raised an eyebrow as she cross her arms. She looks mad, but its not scaring me. She even tried to send deathly glares but she failed.

"I'm not thanking you." my pride is really as tall as me. I hate admitting things.

"Then fine, suit yourself I'm getting tired of dealing with you." she turned her back at me and started to walk away slowly. Does she think I'll call her back and beg for her to accompany me? she thought.

"I didn't ask you." we went separate ways without looking back at each other, I guess our pride ate us up this time. Let's just see who'll seek for help first.

I walked around from places to places, buildings to buildings just to take away my boredom. Mom said we'll have family lunch, why did she even bother to take me here when I can just wait and sleep at home.

For at least I'll be seeing Minjoo.

I looked up to the signs leading to a bathroom, I need to take a quick break before continuining my little journey in the outside world.

"Are you lost?" a stranger asked me while comfortably laying his hand on my shoulder. I gritted my teeth and was so sure to punch he hell out of him.

Nobody dares to touch me, not even my friends and here I'm being laid around by some stranger? Is this a joke?

"D-dont touch me.." I tried to calm myself down, doing fight will lead me to nothing since no one's with me at the moment. And we're the only ones, its like he waited for me to exit the bathroom.

Why am I so unlucky.

"Woah--." he clapped in amusement, he looks like seal performing some tricks in the carnival. "Why don't you go out with me? You're cute."

I'm disgusted, much more disgusted than anything, I want to slap him, beat him til he cant say a word anymore but I can't.

I want to run and ask for help but I can't move a thing. His hand were caressing my hair pushing back a strand to the back of my ear.

"Good gi--" he whispered in my ears that send shivers down to my spine. It's scary, this is scary, I dont deserve this.

Someone help me.

I closed my eyes and started to mumble thing, I just recently got discharged from the hospital and had little days to rest at home and this is what I'm going to have?

"And what are you trying to do?" a voice echoed from a distance, I can barely see who was it but I only know for sure that it's her.

"Who are you?" the stranger asked still keeping his arms laid on my shoulder. Disgusting.

"Her friend." Wonyoung simply answered, why is she here, how did she find? how did she know where I am?  "Move or I'll call the guards." she threatened with such scary tone.

"Tch." the stranger clicked his tongue and went away failing with his plan. I thought something bad was going happen. "Such a waste." he angrily mumbled before completely vanishing in my vision.

I was saved again, for the second time.

"Hey are you okay?" she worriedly asked as she makes her way to me. I found myself staring at the ground for minutes, I guess I got traumatized of that since I'm not used to situations like that. "Yujin?"

"I didnt ask for you help." I coldly replied and walked on first leaving her behind. Why of all the people that can help me in dangerous happenings like those why does it has to be Wonyoung.

It just annoys me how she's always there for me whenever I need something or someone.

"Because you can't." with that she held my hand as we make our way back to the crowded place. I'm not used to this being touched by her, and this?

Holding my hand while walking? No.

"What are you doing?" I angrily questioned her as I forcefully take my hand back from her. How could she.
She's just an assistant dare her cross the line.

"Making sure you wont be in the same situation again." the worriedness on her tone, I can barely feel it. She's being considerate of me, she being caring to me.

"I can handle it myself!" but I don't care, that how people are. They'll look like you can trust them, lean on them but on the end they'll leave you like trash, like a toy they just got tired of playing.



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