Chapter Eight

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Wonyoung POV

"Wonyoung would you like to stay in my room?" A question that made my jaw drop. Just a while back she didnt want me to stay and now she's inviting me? Is she posessed or did she ate something?

"Is that a no? okay. I'll be going." and so she left without letting me even say a word. What is wrong with her vocabulary?

"Wait,no its a yes." I answered panicking because of her. Why didn't she even gave me time to think about this. She was literally giving me cold shoulders and now she's soft? I highly doubt this.

"See you later then. Bring foods anyways." leaving me speechless I snapped when her mom called out for me to do something. I can't read her, she's hard to understand.


Yujin POV

So I really ended up inviting her to my room. I dont know what's gotten into me but I remembered our promise, that if I smile she'll leave me alone. Maybe I should accomplish that promise before I get attached to her.

Just by minutes I heard a knock on my door. It's only 5pm she's pretty early, well I'm also too early to lock myself up in my roo.

Twisting the doorknob prepared to see her I was blinded by her bright smile. My eyes, I'm literally blind and she's making me more blind.

"Yujinie~" she excitingly greeted before entering my room jumping in my bed without permission. Why is she so hyper, she's just staying here it's something not to be so excited for.

Picking up a pillow she tightly hugged it and smiled at me brightly. "Remember our promise? Tonight I'll make you smile and leave. So you wont be annoyed to me anymore."

So that's why she came here, and so why is she excited about it. Isn't she suppose to be sad or something because she's going to leave already?

"Are we going to play?" she excitingly asked as she scroll through her phone searching for fun games we could at least play to take time. "Oh by the way--"

"Just get your task done already! you're loud." I accidentally raised my voice. I didn't mean to, I just want her to stop blabbering nonsense and get her job done. "P-please.." I pleaded after hoping she'll do it.

"Okay. Yujin.." starting her word by calling out for me I comfortably sat on the chair infront of my study table. "Did you know that there are people who cares for you? even if you dont care for them? Did you know that you are being loved even if you dont return it? There's so many things you don't know about Yujin. Life is short so treasure it. Be more in reality, reality weighs more than anything."

What does she know about me? that she could easily let out words from her mouth. She doesn't know a single thing yet she's acting like it.

After her statement all I heard was a sigh. "I may not have knowledge of you, your family background, your past or your problems. Just for you know I'm here and I'm ready to accept every flaws of you."

I was ready to be annoyed again, to get mad of her for trying hard to break my walls and to get my trust. But instead tears unexpectingly fell out from my eyes.


Why am I crying.

This isn't what's suppose to happen.

Hearing those words come out from her lips I felt relieved, happy, I felt different. I was moved to her words, I was touched by her affection. Someone's really out here, ready to accept everything, even she doesn't know a single thing about me.

Even how many times I pushed away, casted her out of my life she still came back for me, to fix me, to help me. Never in my life I felt this much.

"That's all I wanted to say. Glad it made you smile." she showed the brightest smile she had for the last time before crawling out of the bed. "Now time for me to do my promise, I'll be leaving now. Byebye Yujinie~"

Before she can move an inch I rushed towards her bringing her back to the bed pinning her down. "W-wait.." I mumbled as I keep my head buried on her shoulder. "Don't leave.."

"I'm tired of people leaving me.."

"Please stay."



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