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Hey so this baby project thing is someone else's idea. But I don't remember who but credit to them!!


FOUR?! I'm with him no no no. This is going to be the worst. As the teacher comes by and gives us the baby. I look at Four out of the corner of my eye and almost burst out laughing. He looks confused and disgusted at the same time. The rest of the class goes by in a blur. What seems like an hour later the bell rings and the teacher reminds us to talk to our partners and set a time to work on the project because, apparently she wants a paper on this also. Of course she does.

"So do we want to go to your house at about five?" Four says from behind me

"Well I'd LOOOOOVE to" I say my words dripping with sarcasm "but my parents are having people over tonight so my house is out"

"Nope, there is no way that we are doing this at my house "he looks calm but I hear a hint of something in his voice. Anger? Fear? Nahhhh.

"Well the people leave around six so we can meet at your house then go to mine around six." I say

"Fine" he says

TIME LAPSSSSSSSSSSS__________________________________________ FIVE O'CLOCK

I walk up to the front door of Fours house and knock. Turn out his house is right behind my house. The door opens and there stands Four smirking like always. He gestures for me to come in as he shuts the door. He leads me to his room. His room is black, like completely black, walls, floor, and bed sheets, all black. But it's not depressing like most dark rooms, something about it is nice.

"So what are we supposed to do exactly?" Four says derailing my train of thought

"dunno, let's get to work."

TIMELAPS BC I DON'T WANTA WRITE THIS__________________________________________

We've been working for about forty-five minutes when I hear a car pull into the driveway. I also hear a sharp intake of breath behind me. I spin around to see Four staring with wide eyes out the window.

"Your house. Go. Now" he breathes

"Fine, bossy" I say muttering the last part. I start towards his door. Before I can even put my hand on the doorknob I feel his strong hand on my shoulder, I turn and see him shaking his head and pointing at the window. We climb out the window and over the fence into my backyard. We walk into the back door and up to my room where I sit on my bed glaring at him

"what?" he asks

"are you gonna tell me what that was about?" I ask

"No I hadn't planned on it" he answers sneering

I just roll my eyes and continue on the project. We work for about an hour on this when Fours phone rings.

"hello "he starts and his eyes widen


"no I'm working on a project"

"okay bye" he says putting the phone away

"My dad, I've gotta go" He says calmly, eyes his eyes betray home. The deep blue is laced with fear.

I look at him quizzically, he looks really freaked. "You okay?" I ask

"Fine" he replies to quickly

I don't know if I should be worried about him as he leaves through the window. I walk downstairs and see my parents watching the news. I see a segment about Marcus Eaton the governor. The woman says the he was accused of cruelty to his son. It said that he was thought to be abusive. I don't believe it. Marcus is nice he comes over for dinner sometimes because my mother works in the government.

"By the way dear, Marcus will be over for dinner this weekend." Speak of the devil

"Alright Mom." I say

"His son is coming as well, he's about your age" she says as I walk up the stairs hmm weird he has never brought his son before.


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I think ima do the next chapter in Fours POV. Do you like it or nah?

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