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Chapter 10


​I wake up and my back is throbbing. I do feel better though, I sit up, groaning , and look over at the tray next to me. It holds a glass of milk, water ,and a bowl of cereal. I also see a note I pick it up and read it.


Morning! I hope you feel better. I left for school, I didn't think you would want to go. Any who I left you breakfast I'll be home around 2:30 I think. If you need anything call me. I left some medicine on the tray. See ya later!


I pull the tray over to me and start eating. I'm still in shock. Tris is not only the only other person who knows, but she cared enough to help me. I feel myself grinning as I pick up my phone and play around. I also wonder what me and Tris are. I guess just friends with benefits. I cant imagine what she would see in me. Im just some coward that hides from his father. Who is too shy to even ask out his crush. I sit for a while sitting and think about her silvery blue eyes, her golden blond hair.

_____________________TIME LAPS 2:30

I hear my phone buzz and reach over and wince as I stretch my back. I grab the phone and answer

" Hey" Tris says. She sounds worried

"Hi" I say

"How are you"

"Ehh, I'm better"

"Okay, need anything"

"Umm... I think icecream would make me feel better"



" Gocha, later"


She hangs up and I wait a while when I hear the door swing open. I look over and Tris walks through the door. I look at the bag in her hand and see it bulging with cups. She laughs and walks towards me. She digs in the bag and hands me a bowl of ice cream. I take the spoon and start to eat. She sits next to me and eats hers. She glances over at me and bursts out laughing.

"What?" I ask

" Your...face" she says in between laughs. She leans over and wipes my face with a napkin. It comes away full of chocolate. We sit and laugh for a while. Eventually we finish our ice cream. She takes my bowl and throws it on the trashcan. I look up at her and motion for her to bend down. She does and I grab her shoulders and pull her down into a kiss. To my supprise she kisses back. She leans In and wraps her hands around my neck. We stay like this for a while and she shifts her hands on my neck moving them to my back. I wince she pulls away, immediately moves her hands away and looks at me with wide eyes. She bursts into an appology

" I'm so sorry. Are you okay? I d-" She starts but I cut her off.

"Its fine." I say and smile

'' Okay" she says " OH, I almost forgot! I got you a surprise" She says and runs out. I frown and wait for her to come back in. She runs into the room and holds something behind her back. Grinning she brings out a Dauntless cake. my eyes grow wide and I grin. We sit and share the cake. I think I'm beginning to like her, we spend the rest of the day together and laugh.


My back is almost completely healed and I'm going to school tomorrow. I spent the last week at Tris's because she refused to let me leave. She's actually really sweet when she wants to be. I smile at the thought of her. Its almost six o'clock and I need to get ready. I get out of Tris's bed and go to the shower. I don't know how she managed to convince the school that I was sick for a week. I get in the stream of water and wince as it its my raw back. I guess its not TOTALLY healed. I shower and get out. I dry off and realize I have nothing to wear. I have just been changing into the same cloths for the last week. I wrap a towel around my waist and walk to Tris over on the couch. I touch her shoulder and she bolts upright. She wipes the sleep out of her eyes and turns toward me. Her eyes widen as she processes me being half naked in her room, I laugh loudly.

" Um, morning?" she says, blushing

" Morning, I was wondering if you have anything I could wear?" I ask. She nods and walks out the door. She returns a minute later with a tee-shirt and jeans. I don't question it, she has a lot of weird stuff in her house. I go back into the bathroom and change. As I walk out she goes in and gets ready herself.

When she gets out she walks to her car and I run in in front of her and open her door. She grins and steps in. I walk around and step in. She looks at me and smiles. I love when she does this most people who find out about me only look at me with pity. But she doesn't, she looks at me like I'm person not just a charity case. Like I'm actually worth something.

"So..." I say " I was wondering-" I pause

"Yeah" she prompts

" Are we ... something?" I ask timidly as she tilts her head slightly, thinking.

" Do you want us to be?" She asks

" Yes." I reply firmly "You?"

She thinks for a while and we drive for a ways. I start to get nervous, what if she says no? What if she doesn't like me to?

We pull up to a stoplight behind some cars and she turns to me and looks me dead in the eye and says

" I couldn't picture it any other way"

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