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Hey so my laptop was broken for a while and i was working on my phone. But my laptop is fixed now so the chapters should be better YAY

Tris's POV

I stand at the door staring with wide eyes at F-Tobias. How did I not know this? After I'm over the initial shock I step aside and let them in. We walk into the kitchen where my mother has dinner waiting. We take our respective seats at the table. My mother at one end, Marcus at the other Me and Tobias on one side and Caleb opposite us. We sit and talk for a while. Mostly just my mother and Marcus talk the three of us just sit there and eat awkwardly. We eat meatloaf and i see Tobias out of the corner of my eye. If I didn't know better I would say he was staring at me. The adults talk about boring government stuff and eventually finish the food.

"Beatrice, can you help your brother with the dishes." My mom says. I nod

" I can help too." Tobias says

" Don't be silly, your a guest here." my mom says again

" Oh nonsense , Tobias go help." Marcus says. He sounds different somehow when he addressees his son more... angry?Also,when Marcus gestured at Tobias he recoiled. Weird.

We walk into the kitchen and start scrubbing the food off under the warm water. My hands brush Tobias's and I feel an electric shock wherever our skin came in contact. Again, weird. We finish in no time and walk back into the dining room.

"Caleb stay here we want to talk to you, Beatrice you can show Tobias around"

I nod and walk towards the stairs and gesture for Tobias to follow. We walk up the stairs and into my room where I sit on my bed. Tobias sits on a beanbag on the floor. We just sit and stare at each other. After a while it gets kind of awkward. So I decide to speak up.

"So..." I say raising my eyebrows " Tobias Eaton huh?"

" Yep" he replies " but you cant tell anyone" he continues with urgency, his eyes growing wide

"Okay I wont" I say and he relaxes a bit " Is that why you freaked out the other day at your house, you didn't want anyone to know he was your dad?"

" Partly" he replies

"Partly?" I ask

" Yes, just..." he sighs " Whatever I tell you here stays between us,okay?" He says looking straight at me. It feels like those deep blue eyes of his are digging into my soul.

" Okay" I say as he stands up. He walks over to the door and locks it. Should I be worried? He turns around to face me and walks over to my bed. He stops, sighs, and turns around as he pulls his shirt off. It takes me a minute to focus, why would he do that? My question is answered as I lean in closely. All across his back are scars, short,long,fresh,healed, you name it. I'm no doctor but I can tell these were made by a whip of some sort. I gasp as I resist the impulse to touch him.

" Who did this?" I ask quietly

" Three guesses" He replies sarcastically

" Marcus?" He nods " So those news reports..."

" yep" he says " For like, ten years now." he says it so nonchalantly that I almost believe he isn't freaking out inside.

He had thrown his shirt down on the ground and as he bends over to pick it up one of the fresh scars splits and starts bleeding. He winces and I walk to the bathroom that is attached to my room. I grab some gauze and cream and walk back over. He is standing facing the wall dabbing at the blood with a kleenex twisting his head in an attempt to see it. I grab his wrist and he jumps, I take the kleenex from him also. I tell him to lay down and start cleaning off the blood. Once it is clean I put ointment and gauze over it and help him up. I bend down and grab his shirt for him, he takes it and puts it on.

"Thanks" he says sheepishly

" Don't mention it" I reply with a smile trying to reassure him. As we walk down into the kitchen I tell him that if he needed anything to come over. He just smirked and said okay. when we reach the kitchen everyone was just getting ready to leave. They walk to the door and say thank you and goodby and all that jazz. I watch as Marcus claps his son on the back. I would be a nice gesture if I didn't know what I did. I see Tobias stiffen as they walk out the door, Marcus leans in and says something that I cant make out and Tobias stiffly nods. As they walk out the door I cant help but feel sorry for Tobias. What could he have possibly done to deserve this?

FOURS POV (Wha? a POV change! gasp)

"Did you tell her" I feel Marcus's warm breath on my ear as he leans in close. I shake my head no. But that wont stop him from whipping me again anyways. I walk down to the car and step into the front. the ride home is quiet as usual. I can believe I told her. I haven't told anyone before. Not even Zeke and Uriah, who are the closest friends I have.

The car pulls up into the driveway and step out as we walk to the door. We have a huge house with like, ten rooms, but of course i get the smallest possible room, I don't mind though, its big enough for my stuff. Or what little stuff i have. Just some old baseball trophies.

I wait for Marcus to start the nightly routine.But he doesn't he just walks by me and says something about a worthless piece of crap. With that I walk up to my room and lay down on my bed. I don't even bother changing i just collapse into a peaceful sleep. I dream of silvery blue eyes and long golden hair.


SOOOOOOO! Tris Knows! what do you think this will bring? HMMMM HMMMMMM srlsy I don't know what to write next. LOL whateves.

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