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Uriah and I sit back down but I'm still giggling slightly. Uriah looks to me and let me say if looks could kill I'd be six feet under. I smile wickedly at him and the look is wiped off his face. He smiles and looks to Zeke grinning like an axe murderer.

"Zeke, my brother," He says " T or D"

"Dare!" Zeke screams. Jeez dude inside voice. Uriah thinks for a moment before speaking.

"I dare you to get into a drinking contest with... Four" he decides and I inwardly groan this wont end well. I get up and grab some shot glasses from the kitchen. I fill them up and walk into the living room where Zeke and Tobias are sitting on the couch getting ready. I set a dozen in front of both of them. I back up and watch the bloodbath begin.

"THREE... TWO...ONE... GOOOOOO" Uriah yells and they begin. Soon Tobias is on his eighth and Zeke is struggling with is sixth. When Tobias is finishing his last one Zeke runs to the bathroom and pukes his brain out. Shauanna walks in to help and I look to Tobias who is REALLY drunk. I roll my eyes and place a hand on his shoulder. He looks up at me and smiles. I don't like that smile. You know that smile that a baby gives you just before they spit up on you? Well it looks like one of those. I have decided that I hate being right. I shudder as Tobias vomits all over me.

Me being the good girlfriend that I am I run and grab him a bucket first and then change my shirt. Ill have to burn that other one later. I grab a simple black tee and go back to Tobias and kneel down by him and pat him on the back gently as he vomits into a bucket. As he pukes I look up to the guys.

" Well since neither of these idiots will be sober enough to play again tonight I day we start again tomorrow. You guys can stay here if you want." They nod and go off to find a place to sleep as I turn back to Tobias. I put my hand on his shoulder and shake him gently to het his attention. He looks at me and I push his hair back so that its out of his face.

"Do you think you can make it to my bedroom?" I ask gently and he nods. I offer him my hand and pull him up. We start toward my bedroom, he stumbles a few times and i wrap my arms around his waist to help steady him. I sit him down on my bed and walk into the bathroom to grab a washcloth. I soak it under the hot water and walk back to Tobias. I place one hand behind his head to hold him still and wipe the bile off of his face. Once I'm satisfied I turn him around and place him under the covers. I turn on my side and face him. He's already out like a light. I smile and look at him as he sleeps. I sigh and drift into a dream.

I wake up In the middle of the night because Im thirsty and see where everyone fell asleep. Zeke and Shaunna are on the couch. Uriah and Marlene are on pillows on the floor, Chrissy and Will are at the base of the stairs and Lynn is in a arm chair. I run to the kitchen and grab a glass of water to quench my thirst and then head back to bed where I glance at the clock.6:00 I guess I can sleep a little longer so I climb back in next to Tobias and fall asleep once again.


AGAIN SORRY ITS SHORT I HAVE NO IDEAS! thanks again for 300 reads guys!! love you all.

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