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I wake up wrapped in a strong pair of arms. I turn around and see Tobias sleeping peacefully. He looks so young when he sleeps, like he hasn't gone through hell and back. I slowly disentangle myself from his embrace and tiptoe to the kitchen. I fix chocolate pancakes and bacon. I hear creaking from my room which means Tobias is up. I quickly set out plates and milk as he walks out. He still doesn't have a shirt on. I blush and turn around to grab forks. I grab two and walk back to the table where he stands grinning at me. I smile and hand him a fork.

"Happy birthday" I say

"I didn't think you'd remember!" He says

"You underestimate me" I say

"I know, I gotta stop that" He says and I laugh as I sit down. We eat pancakes and bacon until were full which takes a while. I smile as I stand and walk over to him. I take his wrist and pull him into the living room, where I push him onto the couch. I find myself staring at him and walk up stairs. I grab one of caleb's shirts and run back down to Tobias. I throw the shirt to him and he puts it on.

"Is this distracting you" he says smirking and wiggling his eyebrows

"Definitely" I say

​I run back upstairs and gather his presents. It takes me a while to get them so I can carry them all. I go into the living room and set the things on the floor in front of Tobias. His eyes widen in surprise. It just dawned on me that he probably hasn't had a birthday before, let alone presents. I pull out my phone and text the gang,


BE there soon-everyone

I walk over and sit on the couch where Tobias is still shocked to have gotten something. I nudge him and point to the presents.

"Are you going to sit and stare at them or open them?" I say

"You didnt ha-" he starts but I cut him off

"I wanted to, You deserve it." I say smiling at him. "Open the big one first"

​He reaches forward and grabs the biggest box he slowly starts to rip the paper off of it and his jaw practicaly hits the floor. I smile and laugh.

"T-Tris y-you... Its amazing" He stutters

"Im glad you like it, now open the rest" I say as he leans over and kisses me.

​He grabs the box with the amp and picks and opens it. He smiles as he looks at the picks. I lean over and hug him and he twists to kiss me. I pull back and point to the last box and he grabs it. He opens the box and smiles. He sets it down and turns to me. He picks me up and spins me. I giggle as he kisses my neck. He looks at me and leans in to kiss me. I kiss him and we stay like that for a while. There is a knock on the door and I pull away to answer it. I pull it open and there stand our friends smiling and to my surprise Christina,Zeke,uriah,and Shauna have gifts in their hands. We walk in and Tobias smiles at us. W sit on the couch and they give him their gifts. Uriah got him a shirt that said 'I aint no Pnasycake'. Zeke got him a Beanie that said #Brofist on it, Shauna got him a calendar full of stupid quotes and Christina got him a paintball gun that says FOUR on the barrel. He thanked everyone while I ran up to my room to get the cake. I put some candles on it and took it down. I reach over and dim the lights. We sing happy birthday to him and Uriah finishes it with:

"YOU LOOK LIKE A MONKEY AND YOU SMELL LIKE ONE TO!" We laughed as I cut the cake. We all go to the ark afterwords and screw around. I sit by Tobias on a bench and he wraps his arm around me. I look at him and smile. He kisses the top of my head.

"Thanks for making today great" He whispers in me ear, his warm breath making me shiver.

"Anything for you" I whisper back. We lean in and kiss for a while until Uriah shoves us apart.

" No PDA" he screams and we laugh. We head back home and say goodbye to everyone else. We cuddle on the couch and fall asleep in each others arms.

I wake up still in Tobias' arms. I cuddle into him and listen to the steady sound of his heart beat. I could stay like this forever. But sadly I cant, I remove myself from his grasp and throw a blanket over him. I smile, he looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. I need to change that. I run into the kitchen and grab whipped cream. I find an air horn in one of the drawer's and return to Tobias. I spray the whipped cream all over his face. I back up and blow the air horn. He jumps up and I run. I go through the house screaming and hide around a corner to catch my breath. I peek around and think I lost him. Then a pair of strong arms throw me over their shoulder and I scream.

"TOBIAS EATON YOU PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW" I yell He just laughs and puts me down. I start to run again and he grabs my arm and turns me toward him. He leans in and kisses me, getting whipped cream all over my face . I pull back and go into kiss him again, he smiles and closes his eyes. Instead of kissing him I lick his face and run away screaming. He grabs me again and we run around the house licking each other. We are so normal!

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