Chapter 1

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Nobody's POV:

Natasha looked around the mall as they were descending the escalator. There was S.H.E.I.L.D agent surrounding them and Rumlow what ascending the escalator.

Natasha being her smart self quickly faced Steve and said "Kiss me."

"What?" He replied obviously startled.

"Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable," She said obviously rushed as she could see Rumlow getting closer.

Steve, still not taking the hint basically replied "Yes, they do,"

She was running out of time and Steve was oblivious to the situation so she reached up to his face and brought his face closer to hers as she kissed him. Rumlow was passing them and she could only pray that her plan worked.

Steve's POV:

Why did Nat ask to kiss me? Before I knew it, a warm set of lips were attached to mine. The shock eventually wore off and I found myself leaning into the kiss and actually enjoyed it? After a bit she took her lips of mine and it felt like there was something missing.

"You still uncomfortable?" Nat asked.

"It's not exactly the word I would use," I replied.


I couldn't stop thinking about her, I never noticed the way her lips were shaped or how soft her skin felt until now. I need to stop thinking about her, I can't stop thinking about her.

"Where did Captain America learn to steal a car?" Natasha spoke for the first time in hours

"Nazi Germany-and were borrowing, take your feet of the dash." I didn't look at her but I could tell she was giving me her signature smirk.

"Alright, I have a question for you," Oh no, "Which you don't have to answer but I feel like if you don't answer it your kina answering it." here we go.

"Was that your first kiss since 1945?" Shit.

"That bad huh?" I asked

"No I didn't say that" she replied a little to quickly.

"Well, it kinda sounds like that's what you're saying"

Nat's POV:

Does he hate me for asking that question? I really hope not.

In attempt to recover myself I say "No, I didn't. I just wondered how much practice you've had." Did I just make it worse again?

"You don't need practice." Steve argued.

"Everybody does" He doesn't need practice. WAIT. NO. DON'T THINK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT.


Wow this time I screwed up, I almost died. Steve saved my life, I owe him.

My eyes met his in the bathroom mirror,

"You ok?" He asked me,

"Yea." No.

He walked out of the bathroom and sat across from me, "What's going on?"

"When I first joined S.H.E.I.L.D I thought I was going straight. But I guess I just traded in KGB for HYDRA. I thought I knew whose lies I was telling,, but I guess I can't tell the difference anymore." For the first time since I sat down I looked him right in the eye.

"Well there's a chance you might be in the wrong business." He replied, we both chuckled, I have the chance to ask him what I've wanted to ask him ever since he pulled me from the collapsed building. Here goes nothing.

"If it was the other way around, and it was up to me to save your life-now you be honest with me-would you trust me to save your life?"

"I would now." phew "and I'm always honest." He looked me in the eye and gave me the dorkiest grin that I've ever seen.


That's it for today folks, I'm going to try and update frequently.

Remember to vote, share and comment requests.


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