Chapter 9

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AN: I'm really sorry for not updating, i was gonna holidays and had no time, i currently have a ton of assessments but i will try to update more often!

Nat's POV:
We finished watching Harry Potter, and we literally have nothing to do so i look over at Steve and see he's sleeping so i decide to go cook some lunch for the both of us.
The lasagna is all ready and i'm about to wake up Steve when i hear foot steps,
"that smells so good Nat," i hear a sleepy Steve say
"aww thanks hun, let's eat!"
Steve's POV:
Today was the day, the day i would ask Natasha to marry me. I asked Wanda to take her out for a manicure so her nails would look nice when i gave her the ring. I'm taking her to a restaurant on the beach and at sunset i'll ask her. Shit. Shit. I'm so nervous i can't it's freaking me out!!

The time had came, i was driving the both of us to the little restaurant. When we arrived hey showed us to our table, it had the perfect view! You could see the sun set reflecting on the ocean with dolphins jumping out.
"it's beautiful! thank you so much Steve, i love you!" Nat exclaimed.
"not as beautiful as the woman sitting across from me,"
i replied. Now was the time, i was getting nervous but with her hand still in mine i slide out of my seat and on to one knee, i pull out a ring box and open it. i hear a gasp.
"Nat, where do i even start? after coming out of the ice i thought i left any hope of love behind but the truth is i rediscovered love with you. you have always been by my side no matter what and when you're with me u don't know how to describe the feeling. it feels like he whole world stops, just for us. it feels like everything makes sense in the way nothing makes sense. Nat you make me feel complete and whole so with complete confidence i ask you to marry me." I finish,
"Steve, oh gosh! Yes 3000 times yes!" she replies as she leaps into my arms,
"where else am i going to get a view like this?" i ask.
hey sorry for not updating in like a month, life has been really hectic right now and i haven't had the time to just sit down and write!
- valkyriepotter

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