Chapter 3

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Nat's POV:
Steve looked so sad, he's childhood best friends is alive and dose not remember him. I've lost so much blood, i can't feel my shoulder anymore,
"hey we need some paramedics, if we don't apply pressure to the wound she's going to bleed out." Sam said with some annoyance in his voice, the "guard" whipped out some sort of taser wand and threatened to tase us, but then the guard tasers the other guard. What the hell!
"God, that thing is was squishing my brain" Maria Hill said whole taking off the helmet, we escaped the S.H.E.I.L.D van and hoped into her van. When we are get out of the other van, we are walking into some sort of underground maze thing. I only just noticed Steve's arm around my waist, i feel very dizzy. I can hear all these muffled voices of whom i'm assuming to be Maria, Steve, Sam and some doctor;
"She'll want to se him first."
Is all I pick up on. Who is it. Oh my god, Nick, he's alive. Before I know it i'm getting all bandaged up.

Steve's POV:
All I can think about is Bucky, my best friend. What's happened to him? Why is did he try to kill Nick Fury?
Nick, he's alive.
I've been shot three times now, their all Ben from Bucky, I'm looking blood but i have to take down Hydra and S.H.E.I.L.D.

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