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"What's this union meeting for?" Sehun asks Zitao as the former sits beside Lu Han.

"I don't know either."

Sehun pouts as he leans to the back of his chair, waiting for the last four union members to come and sit at the vacant chairs, which are Junmyeon, Kyungsoo, Minseok and Jongdae.

The omega then feels a gentle hand caressing his and he looks up to see Lu Han smiling weakly at him.

'They're gonna be here soon,' Lu Han says through the mate bond mind link. 'Maybe they have some business going on..'

Sehun is about to nod softly when someone's yell startles them.

"I said I don't want to..! I don't need a fucking group! I don't even need whatever you're—"

Sehun raises an eyebrow as he watches a strange person wriggling out of Junmyeon's hold, Junmyeon's hand now on that man's mouth.

It's an omega.

"What's the commotion?" Kyungsoo suddenly appears from nowhere with a certain man beside him who is smiling awkwardly at everyone with this square-like smile.

'He's cute, hyung,' Sehun says to Lu Han, which makes Lu Han snap his gaze back at him.

"What?! Who?" Lu Han almost shouts as he looks at where Sehun is looking at.

It's a human. But there's vampire and werewolf blood in his bloodstream that Lu Han feels.

Hybrid? Future hybrid?

Lu Han straightens up and taps Sehun's lap to get his attention.

"Why?" Sehun inquires as he looks up at Lu Han.

"Nothing," Lu Han says as he leans back on his chair.

"Jealous?" Sehun mumbles to air as he chuckles. "Don't be, alpha.." he softly says.

'I don't want you looking at others like how you look at me..' Lu Han says through mind link.

'I didn't look at him that way..' Sehun replies, pouting as he looks down.

'You did,' Lu Han says as he looks at Sehun's face.

"Hello! I'm Baekhyun!" The man that has come together with Kyungsoo earlier is now infront of Sehun.

"Hello everyone! I'm Byun Baekhyun!" He chirped as he looks at the others before looking back at Sehun.

"What's your name?" he asks as he looks at Sehun's eyes, causing Lu Han to swallow and look away, inching an inch further from Sehun to 'give them space'.

"Oh Sehun.." Lu Han hears Sehun say.

"Gosh, you're really handsome.." This Baekhyun says and Lu Han feels the still human leaning into Sehun.

Lu Han immediately jolts up and shoos Baekhyun's hands that were about to touch Sehun.

"Yah..! Don't dare touch what's mine," Lu Han says as he pulls Sehun's chair closer to him.

"Don't be like this to a new member.." Sehun mumbles but Lu Han only looks at him in disbelief.

"Yeah? Then go with him, I don't care," Lu Han says as he rolls his eyes and gets up.

Sehun grabs Lu Han's hand though and holds it tightly. "Alpha.."

"Why are you so possessive?" Baekhyun interrupts, eyebrows furrowed. "Don't tell me that even just looking at others, Sehun is not allowed.. You know.. that's a little too absurd. You see, if only you—"

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