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"Kyungsoo, let me explain—" Baekhyun starts but Kyungsoo interrupts him quickly with a loud growl which makes Jongin cower in fear and loosely grab Kyungsoo's arm, only making Kyungsoo take a harsh grip of his other wrist.

"I-It wasn't m-me..!" Jongin exclaims as he whimpers when Kyungsoo looks at him with a glare.

"What do you mean it wasn't you? Do you think you can fool me that easily?!" Kyungsoo snarls and tightens his grip on Jongin's wrists, making a sharp yank with one of his hands that makes a scream of pain break into the room, Jongin suddenly thrown down the floor.

"Oh my god!" Baekhyun exclaims as he rushes to Jongin. "It's me..! It was me! You didn't have to do that to him!" Baekhyun yells. "I'm sorry.. I didn't know this would happen, Jongin.. I'm so sorry.."

Jongin cries loudly and looks up at Kyungsoo fearfully, attempting to hide his face in Baekhyun's shoulder.

Baekhyun offers his wrist to Jongin so the vampire would bite him and heal his own broken wrist fast, but Jongin shakes his head.

"Jongin, look at you.. I can't bear it, please.. It's my fault so let me help you.."

"Master.. can do anything he wants to me, B-Baekhyun hyung.." Jongin mutters as he glances at Kyungsoo who has dropped himself down the ground and is breathing heavily. "My job is to give him everything he wants.."

"Jongin.." Baekhyun says in concern, insisting Jongin to bite his wrist for blood, but Jongin only looks at him and smiles weakly.

"S-See, i-it's healing.." Jongin says as he lifts his broken wrist with his other hand and shows Baekhyun, who only looks away and nods.

"F-Fine," Baekhyun mutters and glances at Kyungsoo who buries his face in his hands.

* * * * *

"Did you call me, Master?" Jongin asks as he only keeps his gaze on his Master's shirt.

"Yes, I called through our mind link. You can call me through it as well. By the way, I called you for a special reason. Well, I think not so special.. I order you to pick decent clothes. We're going out tonight."

Jongin peers at Kyungsoo's eyes which are now covered by his bangs. "M-Master?"

"I said we're going out tonight," Kyungsoo says casually as he looks up at Jongin but averts his gaze immediately when their eyes meet.

"O-Okay, Master.. I'll let Baekhyun hyung know so he can get ready, too—"

"He's not coming. I want it to be only the two of us," Kyungsoo says as he closes the fridge and hands Jongin a bag of blood. "Your food for today," Kyungsoo says as he walks past Jongin to go back to the meal he's cooking.

"Thank you, Master," Jongin speaks in sincere gratitude with a bow.

Jongin curiously follows Kyungsoo but he doesn't see it coming when Kyungsoo suddenly turns to him, his face so so close to the vampire but before Jongin has gotten the chance to back away in surprise, Kyungsoo has already gripped his waist and claimed his lips, causing Jongin to only flutter his eyes close and let his Master do whatever he wants, his own hands falling awkwardly to his own sides.

Kyungsoo licks on his upper lip before pushing his tongue inside Jongin's mouth and licking behind his teeth, causing the younger to whine and clench his fists, obviously wanting more.

Kyungsoo seems to read that and so he turns the stove off with one hand and grabs Jongin's neck to pull him deeper.

* * * * *

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