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"He told you to stop being with me so why are you here while he's at work?" Baekhyun asks, confused. "Don't tell me you broke his rule."

"He makes so many rules.. I'm tired.." Sehun says as he steps in the house where Baekhyun lives in, which is Kyungsoo's, and wraps Baekhyun in a tight hug as he buries his face in Baekhyun's shoulder.

"What is it, Sehun? It's okay to tell me."

"I'm tired of always having to be the 'perfect omega' like how everyone sees me, like how everyone expects me to be. If I do anything out of that context, they think there's something wrong with me.. But I'm not perfect.. I have feelings.. I am not a robot, hyung.."

"This is what I was telling you.." Baekhyun says as he clicks his tongue. "I told you you'll get tired of it."

"But I want to stay that way, for Lu Han, b-but he demands so much from me.. I try my best but he always wants more from me.. I can't give it anymore.. He wants me to stop being with you, but he doesn't understand. He doesn't know that you're there when he isn't. You're the one who always listens to me and understands my problems.."

"Please don't hate him because of me," Baekhyun says as he lifts Sehun's face. "He's still your mate. Lu Han hyung is still your mate, and I don't think you should choose following me over him because you said he gives you everything he can. You should give back those efforts, shouldn't you?"

"I don't understand him anymore.. Why would he act like that just because of you suggesting me to watch those videos? Why does he say he doesn't want my innocence ruined? Why doesn't he want me to cuss anymore?"

"Maybe he's afraid," Baekhyun says. "Maybe he wants you to prove him you're his omega and his only."

"I hate him," Sehun says as he looks down. "I hate that I hate him.. It makes me feel wrong.. I shouldn't hate my alpha because he always takes care of me. I shouldn't hate him just because of this.. I should follow his will.."

"That's right," Baekhyun says. "You should listen to him. He knows the best for you."

"But I'm already here," Sehun says. "I shouldn't go back. I came here to ask for something."

"For what?"

"Can you watch.. w-with me..?"

"Why?" Baekhyun asks in confusion. "Why with me?"

"B-Because you will explain to me.. D-Don't worry about Lu Han hyung.. I can manage.."

"Oh.. o-okay.. If it's for the maknae," Baekhyun says and smiles awkwardly. "But.. where?"

"In your room?" Sehun asks softly.

Baekhyun's face pales, if that's still possible with his natural skin. "No, Kyungsoo will get mad at us," Baekhyun says.

"He wouldn't," Sehun says as he smiles and heads to Baekhyun's room himself, but before he can twist the knob, Baekhyun has grabbed his other arm and pulled him away. "Why?" Sehun asks in confusion.

"Y-You wouldn't like it.."

Sehun only frowns and opens the door, and he doesn't know what he would do with what he has just found out.

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