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Sorry I haven't posted Exams are coming up. Here is one for those who waited. When the italics come in the flash back it means that the present you is talking.


Summer, hot windy, fresh summer.
Having friends to go with to the movies, or to the mall.

But guess what?


His name is Noah, Noah Schnapp. We were friends since 2nd grade and were never separated by anything. When 7th grader was about to finish, he asked me a question that i never thought I would ever hear.

( *_*)
( -^- )   FLASH BACKKKK 1 DAY...

I was walking towards my friends when i heard someone call out my name.

(So call out my name!! Sorry I had to do it)

I turned around to see Noah running over to me. "H-hi, y-y/n. Sorry I have to catch my breath." I smiled and giggled. "Yes, Noah?" He looked up at me and said, "Can I talked to you privately?" Ok, so that is one question I've always wanted to hear, but there's another one. Oh, I'm so EXCITED! I might as well faint. Well, maybe not. I won't get to tell you the rest. Anyways...
We both went around a corner and stood there. "So what is it, Schnipper?" I asked him. He laughed and said," I always wanted to tell you this but I just never find a chance to go for it. See, i like you, more than a friend. And more than a sister that i never had. Well, except Chloe, but either way, i really do like you. You're so different from anyother girl I've ever met in my whole entire life." I was shocked. He likes me. He likes me. He LIKES ME..... "So y/n, would you like to be my girlfriend? Yes ladies and gentlemen. This was the question. Can I still faint? Is it still available?!? "Um,  wow. I never heard that in my whole entire life. Noah, you are so amazing and sweet." I heard my voice sound with sympathy. "So that's a no? Its, it's alright. I don't want to push you." He was about to leave when i grabbed his wrist. "1st of all, don't inturrpted me. 2nd, of course you're not push me. And last but not least, of course I'll be your girlfriend." He had a Huge smile on his face. He hugged me and started to spin me around. "You won't regret it. Your life will be amazing, I promise you!" He ran from the place we were and started yelling. "Y/n Y/L/N IS MY GIRLFRIEND, YOU HEAR ME!?!? SHE IS MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!" I started laughing and walking to my friends.
"Ooo, someone has a BoYfRiEnD..." y/b/f said. "I know. Leave me be." We laughed and the school day ended. Which ment SUMMER.


I heard a honk from the outside. He's here!!! I fixed my shirt a little bit and ran to the door. "Hi ms.y/l/n." He bowed. "Well hello Mr. Schnapp." I smiled. We got in the car and rode towards the carnival. I'm ready for the summer.

Extra content...

Noah!!! I'm gonna puke!!! We we're on top on the most scariest rides ever.
"Whoo!!!! Here we go!!!"
"Aaahhhh! I'm gonna kill you!!!"
"I love you too!!!"
"Wait what!?!" Flash!!

After ride...

"So what did you say to me?"
"W-What do you m-mean?"
I saw him blush. "Awe baby Noah loves me! How cute!" He pushed my shoulder slightly. "Shut up. And I'm not baby." He tripped over for no reason and fell. I laughed and laughed. "Well don't stand there help me!"
"What's the magic words?" He sighed and blushed more. "Pretty pinky please with sprinkles on top?" I laughed and helped him up. "I hate you."
"You love me."
"Yeah I do."
And we continued with the day.

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