Autobiography 1: Ow!

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I remember when I was in Chile when I was 3 years old. My mom, dad and I were at my dad's ex-wife's house for a visit. She had a German Shepherd dog that was a disobedient ex-police dog. Well genius me decided to try to kick it out of the house, so I started trying to push it out with my belly. I was 3 years old, so I was tall enough to look straight into its eyes. He took this as a challenge and lunged at me, deciding to bite my face and rip it to shreds. Of course, it hurt, so I started yelling:

"Don't do that, be nice!" Over and over in English, as he was biting my face.

Reacting quickly, my dad came over and hit the dog's stomach as hard as he possibly could. I don't remember if he had a stick or something, or just kicked it. He made sure no one, including him, yelled while he did so. When I got older, he explained to me it was because dogs run away with what's in their mouth if you yell. But when you just kick the stomach they're forced to drop the contents of their mouth before running away. Which is exactly what this dog had to do.

After the dog wasn't biting me anymore, the pain was immediately gone. It just... Vanished.

My dad and eldest sister immediately brought me to the hospital, while my mom and my dad's ex-wife stayed behind to lock up the house before following in a different vehicle.

Everyone was worried except me. I was just like:

'Yeah, my face is bleeding and I have to keep wiping the blood off with this already bloody cloth, but I'm fine.'

I was sitting in the back of the car with my sister while my dad drove. When we got there we waited for what seemed like hours. I later asked my dad, and he said it was like an hour and a half. It was finally
our turn in the emergency room. A friend of my dad's, Guilleremo,(?????) (Gee-yer-mo, with a 'G' pronounced like in Geese.) was an anesthesiologist and just so happened to be there, the best in the whole city! A friend of his, a woman who was a microsurgeon was there too.

Basically, they laid me down on a bed, (of the type you lay on when you go to the dentist, except not electric, and without all the dentist's equipment) and held my arms and legs down tightly as Guillermo put one of those sleep mask things on my face. I felt like I was suffocating. I literally couldn't breathe! I struggled and struggled. But of course I was only 3, so everyone was stronger than me. They shined a big bright light on my face. (Again, the type of big light the dentist uses to look at your teeth) I tried to keep my eyes open, I really did! But it was so bright, I had to close them. I tried to stay awake, but after a little while, I fell asleep, and they proceeded to fix my face. I later learned from my parents that I was really afraid and angry with Guillermo for a long time after that.

      *   *   *

Now, I had stitches in my face and many noticeable scars all over it. My mom worked hard to make sure I still had a beautiful face later by rubbing Emu oil and Snail slime on it every day.

When the time came to take the stitches out we were in Santiago, Chile's capital. We were in a hotel or something and a woman had come to do the job. At the time, she looked to be about 25 years old or something.

I was afraid. I didn't want her to do anything, so I ran and strapped myself in my car-seat, which wasn't in the car, but in one of the rooms. Well, that was stupid. I don't remember, but I can only assume they succeeded in taking the stitches out.

Three things could have happened that day. The dog got 'this' close to a very important vein in my head next to my left ear.

#1. I could have gone blind.

#2. I could have gone deaf.

#3. I could have died.

MAN what a SCARE I gave everyone! Even though it happened while I was at my home in Chile, there were a few people at my home in California that heard the worrying news. My grandma on my mom's side cried when she heard about it.

I was afraid of dogs after that, but my mom and dad helped me understand that I had to be careful with dogs I don't know so I wouldn't develop a phobia.

And I didn't

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And I didn't. I love dogs!

~Hey there! I just thought I'd mention that this story is true, and it's mine. (And everyone else that lived it with me, of course.)~

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