Volcano Calbuco, The Gnome's Laughter

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~Hey there guys, so this is the English translation of the last update, I hope you enjoy it, and don't forget to comment what you think! Remember that I wrote this when little, so the grammar and way of speaking will not all be correct.~

~Hola chicos, así que esta es la traducción al Ingles de el ultimo poste, ojalá que les guste, y no se olviden de comentar lo que piensan! Acuerdense que yo escribi esto de chiquita, asique no toda la gramatica y manera de hablar va a ser correcta. ~

Volcano Calbuco, The Gnome's Laughter

    Hello, my name is Wayra, I am 12 years old, and I travel between Chile and California. Today I will tell you a story that happened to me some years ago, when I was 9 years old. The story starts like this:

I'll start telling you a little bit about my house in Chile, I live in a site (a small family community) where my grandparents, (Tatá <Grandpa> José and Mami <mommy> Neli) the uncles, (The Alejandro and the Monica,) the Monica's son, (Nacho) and my family, my mom's name is Megan, but everyone calls her by her second name, Aiyana, she was born in California. My dad's name is Ivan, he was born in Chile, I was born in California but I am from California and Chile. Lets start, but before we start, I will tell you guys that Javiera is our friend, she is 20 years old. Ok, let's start?

We were at home, when my dad said:

"Are you ready, Wayra?"

"Ready, for what?!" I answered him, surprised.

"We are going to Volcano Calbuco!" He answered me, happily.

"We're going to go to Volcano Calbuco?!" I asked.

"Yes, now go prepare yourself it's going to be a long journey."

"Ok dad, I will go and prepare myself as fast as a rocket."

When we were ready, everyone got into the car and went to go get our friend Javiera so we could all go together to Volaco Calbuco. We were driving for a long time, until we finally got there. We also brought my dog Luna, at that time she was 4 months old. (She was, still is, SOOO CUUUUUTEE!) We got out of the car and went into the forest that was at the Volcano. We walked, walked, and walked, until I asked my dad how much more we were going to walk, and he answered me:

"All the way, until we get to the top."

Upon hearing this I started kicking, (throwing a fit) I did not want to go all that way, it was way too far! So I started getting lazy, and upon getting lazy, I heard a laugh. (There is another better word for laugh to describe the laugh here in Spanish) Like when someone laughs. We all heard a gnome laugh at me because I was lazy. Gomes are magical beings that my mom and dad have seen, well they have just seen their shadows. As tiny as the sise of your thumb, almost no one can see them because almost no one believes that they exist when really they exist. They are very, very playful and naughty. Ok lets get back to the story. We walked a lot more until we got to the forest of the Gnomes and Duendes and Fairies and many magical beings of all classes and types that of course are real. We didn't see them, but we felt their presence very nice. All of a sudden my dad said:

"Come Wayra, come see these gnome marks!"

"Gnome marks! Let me see!"

And when I say, there were gnome mars, they were great and awesome for real! They were like little pictures carved with a knife in a tree and I was really surprised! Later we went to swim. I took off all my clothes and got in really slowly into the water. Oh how cold! But I finally jumped in after taking off my small bag that I had with me. I swam a lot under the water until the time came to keep going. We kept going until we got to the very tipity top! I called my mom and I told her:

"Look, look over there in the paradise look in the air so far away from us look that there is a magic portal."

"Oh how magic my daughter but look some old friends have come to say hi to us."

And just when our friends from a long time ago came the magic portal disappeared! Or more magical still, it got invisible! I looked toward the river of the paradise and I saw a rock in the form of a turtle holding a book and a magic wand! Me and my friends were very sure that it was magic. Finally the time came to go. We prepared ourselves and we started to travel back down from that spectacular sight from up here! And I stopped because my foot hurt! my daddy cut the back of my shoe and and it didn't hurt at all after that! My daddy said:

"Wayra this is yours."

And in his hand, he had my little bag! The one I had lost at the lake in which we swam! I told him thank you and I told the gnomes that this was the most spectacular experience I had ever had in my life! We went back to the car and we went home.

There aren't many gnomes today in day, because many don't believe in them, but that's why the people need to believe in everything "impossible" so that they don't go extinct. Thank you so much for listening to me, you are the best friends of the gnomes, and of me.

The End.

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