Magical Moth

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Magical Moth by Cristalina_Starr

I peered into our outside bathtub. It was located next to our house, held up by a wooden platform me and my parents had made especially for holding it up. There was a moth floating in the old murky water, it's wings splayed out beside it, unmoving. I knew it was already dead. Still, I couldn't help but put my finger under it's fragile little body, and gently lift it out of the water.

As I stared at it, I started gently blowing air onto it. I didn't know why, it was useless. I mean... It already died. Still, I kept blowing air onto it. I walked back and forth on our deck slowly as I did so. Then I saw my dad on the deck watering the plants and flowers. I walked over to him and showed him the moth.

"Hey dad," I said. "Look what I found in the bathtub. A dead moth! I'm gonna try to save it."

Why did I say that? It was already dead. D-E-A-D.

My dad looked at it.

"Oh wow, you can do it!" He said that with a smile on his face, and the hose in his hand.

I wasn't so sure, but I kept blowing air on it. Secretly, I was pretending that I was reviving it, but I wasn't so sure, and I didn't want to get my hopes up.

"We'll see." I said, resuming my gentle blowing.

I opened the deck door to the house my parents made themselves when I was a baby, and stepped inside, still blowing.

"Hey mom, I found a moth in the bathtub." I said.

She was inside, busy doing something, but she paused for a little to look at the moth on the tip of my finger.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, if it's not dying, it's dead." She said.

I knew it. I knew it already, but I didn't stop blowing. I blew for a long time after that, non-stop. There was still a small chance that–

Suddenly, I saw a small movement, and what I thought was a sparkle. Barley noticeable, but there. I held my breath mentally, and kept blowing, never taking my eyes off of it. I imagined it, right? It couldn't have moved! But when it fluttered again, I couldn't help but grin.

"Mom, dad! It's alive..." I whispered as calmly as I could.

I didn't know if they could hear loud noises, so I avoided shouting.

My mom couldn't believe it, she was amazed. I "practically revived it," as she put it. My dad didn't seem surprised, he knew I could do it.

I kept blowing on it's wings, slightly harder now, to dry it, and prepare it for flying off. When it was flapping it's wings pretty well to dry them off, I gently cupped my hands around it, and stepped outside onto our deck to set it free.

But when I opened my hands, it was gone...

~Without a trace. 💠

~Hey guys, thanks for reading, I appreciate it. I just thought I would let you know that this short story is actually an experience I had about half a year ago. It was... Truly magical . I did my best to write it as similar to what actually happened, while making it as story-like as possible at the same time as I could. I hope you enjoyed!
-Cristalina Starr~

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