Part two

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Lyra's profile was projected onto the screen for everyone to see whilst one of the staff over the speaker read aloud her information.

"Model 318, Lyra. Age 18.
Brown hair and grey eyes with a tint of blue." The man described her features to the unknown bidders, hidden away whilst She was on full display.

"She is at her most fertile peek and has also produced 3 healthy babies for the colony"

She frowned for a moment, 'babies for the colony' they weren't hers, nor were they ever going to be. There was a very night chance that Lyra would never see her children again, and that bothered her deep down.

"She has impeccable genes, she excelled in her lessons related to athleticism and foreign languages. She currently speaks mandarin, Spanish and French."

The auction began, like she was an inanimate object and not even a human being, like those who wanted to take her babies away from her.

"Model 318 please stand" the voice through the speak alerted me, I wasn't really surprised honestly though. This isn't the first time I've been chosen.

As she stood the second auction began, Lyra had zoned out as it began.  So it was to her surprise when she heard the speaker announce another model.

"Model 326 please stand"

Lyra looked around to see which other procreator she was partnered with. She could swear her jaw hit the floor when she noticed Orion stood up, his mouth also wide and his face covered with shock.

"The next auction will be in an hour, other models you can go outside into the recreation yard." The voice explained and the other people including Cygnus and Mensa left.

Lyra and Orion stood there awkwardly, she didn't usually care who she procreated with, she didn't tend to see them ever again but Orion was different. He was one of her friends and she didn't have many of those.

"Okay procreator please make your way into the viewing pod" they were instructed by the little speaker.

As they stood in the viewing pod which was a small room with a glass window separating the winning auctioneer and the procreators.
They were shown in person to the auctioneers so they could see how we looked now, in case the picture wasn't recent.

Lyra stood there next to Orion as the couple examined them both.

"Wow she really is beautiful" the woman came closer to the glass to examine Lyra.

"She is the top procreator at the colony since all three of her offspring have proven to be intelligent and have high looks." The voice that was behind the speaker was no longer just a voice, a man in all white stood next to the couple.

Lyra looked at Orion, he was frozen. This was his first time being chosen and he was extremely nervous, you could tell from the atmosphere.

"The boy, he's handsome too" The woman chuckled, her husband still stood examining Lyra from afar.

"Yes his IQ is very high and he excelled in art and mathematics."

"Interesting" the husband was now looking at Orion.

Now for one of the worst parts, Like Lyra didn't hate the whole situation enough, the couple now had to see them naked. To check for imperfections hidden underneath their clothes. This was one of the many differences the colony had compared to other breeding facilities in the country.

"So our child will very likely be brown haired and grey eyes?" The woman asked the worker.

He nodded. "None of these models hold the ginger gene so yes."

"Brilliant!" The woman took her focus back onto them.

Lyra felt disgraced, she was humiliated. She tried covering herself with her arms but she only had so many. Orion next to her was also ashamed, he made no eye contact with anyone and also covered himself up.

"Okay they can get dressed again" the husband intervened.

Both Lyra and Orion quickly slipped into their clothes and acted like they hadn't just seen too much of each other.

"Now, they are going to start to fertilisation." The worker lead the couple into the next room as Orion and Lyra walked into the next pod.

The breeding pod held a single bed and bathroom. This room was far too familiar to Lyra at this point.

"So how do you 'fertilise' her?" The woman asked inquisitively.

"Well, we do it the old fashioned way." The worker chuckled. "The male model will fertilise the female until successful fertilisation."

Orion gulped, so loudly Lyra heard. She was nervous for him and herself, how would this affect their relationship?

"How long will it take for her to conceive?" The woman asked again.

"Well, after the first session we wait two weeks before testing for pregnancy." The worker explained. "If it was a failure, they will try again until she conceives"

"And if she doesn't?" The husband interrupted.

"Then the two are separated and we wait a month before r-re-pairing them and taking some tests to figure out why it failed. Don't worry your female has high fertility and she's produced 3 other times" the worker smiled.

"Would you like to watch the procreation?" He asked.

"Can we?" The husbands eyes lit up.

"Of course, our workers have too to ensure they actually attempt and your free to join them."

The couple nodded and were led to the camera rooms.

Lyra turned to look at Orion, who was trembling.

"Calm down, it's okay" she tried to reassure him.

"It's not okay, I won't do it" he stuttered.

"Orion, if you don't they will punish you"

"I don't care, your my friend" He sighed.

"I know, but I will do whatever to make you get in that bed" she giggled.

"I'm not that easy"

"Sure your not" She replied as she slid out of her clothes and under the covers.

"Come on then" she ushered Orion into the bed.

"Lyra, cmon."

"You know I'll be punished as-well, let's just do it" She rolled her eyes at him.

"Don't make it sound any less affectionate" he frowned as he slipped out of his clothes too.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Like you want to get it over and done with" he slipped under the covers next to her.

"But I do, I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings but this is the most humiliating part of the act"

Orion sighed once more before agreeing with Lyra and proceeding to fertilise like he was instructed too.

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