Part 10.

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A medic finally came in to see Lyra, she hadn't seen anyone in hours. She's just been sat there on that same chair.

"Finally" she sighed.

The medic turned around and lyras eyes widened.

"Sabrina?" She asked.

"Oh hello? Do I know you?"

"It's me Lyra!"

"I don't remember you sorry." The medic replied with a wink.

Lyra looked at her with confusion, what did she mean?

"Oh okay.." Lyra went along with it.

"We're being monitored." The medic whispered.

Lyra nodded and acted normal, as she would with any other medic.
Sabrina checked her vitals and gave her a protein drink full of everything she needed.

"Drink this, it will make up for your missed meals."

Lyra nodded.
"When am I going to my pod?" She asked

"Your not, their going to develop here to be your private room, away from the others." She explained.

"What?" Lyra gasped.

"Sh." Sabrina whispered.
"Their keeping you away so you can't see Orion or anyone. Your meals will be brought here and you will stay here all day and night." She whispered.

"That's inhumane! I will loose my mind in here!"

Sabrina packed up her things and left, giving Lyra a reassuring smile on her way out.

Lyra had been untied but there was nothing to do, this Stone prison had nothing but a seat inside it.

Lyra decided to take a nap, she had no clue what time it was but she was exhausted and wasn't expecting company any time soon.

Lyra awoke to painters and decorators in her room, installing "windows" that showed pictures of a field. They installed a book case and painted the whole room white.

Lyra tried to stand up but she had been tied back down to the chair.

"Hey, can you untie me?" She asked.

Everyone ignored her and carried on decorating.

She huffed and sat there as they finished.

One guard came in and untied her as the painters left.
Moments later dr Sykes entered the room again.

"Isn't this much better?" He smiled.

Lyra stood up and stomped toward him.
"Look! I will not be held captive here!" She screamed.

"I will slowly inject more and more of our "calming elixir" into you if you don't be civil Lyra."

She gulped and stepped back.

"Good, now. You won't need to leave this room, recreation is no longer available, books can be found for entertainment. Each day for an hour a tutor will come and educate you. Then a medic will come and check your vitals every other day." He explained.

Lyra nodded.
"What about food?"

"That will be brought to you along with vitamins by your medic, and once you have some offspring they will live inside here with you until they turn 15."

"Really? You won't take them?" She gasped. No one ever got to see their offspring, they were always in another unit or the nursery.

"It's an exception for you, since your living quarters have changed."

"Thanks?" Lyra shrugged.

"That's all, the clocks up there." He pointed to one of the walls. "Lights out at 8, lights on at 7."

She nodded and dr Sykes exited the room.

She sat down on her bed and sobbed, she would never see anyone ever again.
She had no clue what happened to Mensa, Cygnus or Orion and it was driving her mad.

The night drew closer to an end and she was reading a book, it wasn't very entertaining but she had nothing to do. That's when Sabrina the medic came in.

"Look im not meant to be here but I came to warn you." She sat down next to Lyra.

"Dr Sykes, he has 3 eligible procreators ready, he's going to inseminate you next week."

Lyra frowned. "What can I do?"

"Make yourself sick, I'll bring you your food and vitamins as well as a sachet of laxatives. Poor it in your drink and down it all."


"They won't inseminate you if your unfit or unwell, it buys us time." She explained.

Lyra nodded. "Thank you."

Sabrina smiled and snuck back out the room, leaving Lyra to sleep.

The lights turned off and the images behind Lyra's windows changed to a dark starry night.
She rested her head on her pillow and closed her eyes, excited for her days to come, her master plan to escape
would soon be achievable.

All she had to do was wait..

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