Part 8.

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Lyra awoke, snuggled up next to Orion who was still snoozing away.

Breakfast wasn't for another half an hour according to the alarm clock.
She knew she shouldn't feel this way about Orion but seeing him lay there next to her so vulnerable made her fall further in love with him.
But then In the back of her mind she replayed her meeting with Dr Sykes.
All she could dream of was being happy with Orion and starting a family with him, he would make an excellent dad but if she did get pregnant he would never even see his child, let alone be able to be a father to it and Lyra just couldn't do that to Orion but she also couldn't be the reason he got killed. If she didn't birth a healthy worthy child for Sykes he would terminate Orion and it would all be for nothing.
She was torn.

Orions eyes slowly opened as the alarm began to beep and the voice began to blare through the speakers.

"unit E breakfast is in 5 minutes, please make your way to the mess hall"

Lyra smiled as her eyes locked with orions.


He smiled. "Morning, how do you feel?"

Lyra shrugged and stood up, getting into some fresh uniform.

"I'm gonna go to the mess hall. Your gonna be okay sneaking out right?" She asked.

Orion nodded before waving to Lyra as she walked out of the pod doors.

On her way to the mess hall she merged with a large group of Unit E procreators. That's when an alarm went off, all the doors began to slam shut, dividing the group from which had made it into the mess hall and those still in the corridor.
The alarm was like no other, it was so unfamiliar.

"lockdown, this is not a drill. Please return to your pods if your in the corridor and if your in the mess hall or recreation hall please stay calm and seated" the voice commanded through the speakers.

Everyone began panicking, rushing back to their pods. It was like a stampede, and Lyra was right at the front of it. She spun around and began to run, if she didn't keep up she would be trampled.
Loud bangs began to echo the halls of the colony, followed by screaming and a blaring alarm.

Lyra made her way to her pod unharmed and locked the door behind her, sitting down on the bed. They hadn't been informed what to do in event of a lockdown, they had never had one before.
Lyra pulled down the blinds of her pod and just sat silently on her bed. She had no clue what so ever to what was happening outside her pod.

that's when Lyra heard a bang at her pod door, it startled her.
The banging continued, getting harder and harder until a voice started to shout from behind it.

"Open the door!" It was a woman, she sounded young because her voice was sweet and strong.

Lyra remained in silence, panting on her bed.

The banging continued, along with kicking now.

"I will bust down this door." They threatened.

Lyra for some unknown reason decided to open the door. She pushed the button and let the door slide open. Standing on the other side was a woman with red hair, dressed in fully black holding a rifle.

"Follow me." She demanded.

"Who Are you?" Lyra asked.

"I'm a rebel, we are rescuing procreators."

Lyras eyes lit up, she was being saved. She began to closely follow the woman as she worked her way around to other pods.

They began to make their way to a corridor filled with smoke, all the lights were off and it was complete darkness.

"Hold on to each other and create a chain starting with me, this is the way out, stay silent!"

Everyone linked up, creating a chain. Lyra held on tightly to the woman.

"Wait are we leaving?" Lyra asked.

The woman nodded as she began to walk through the mist.

"We can't! We need to get the boys." Lyra began to worry about Orion and Cygnus.

"I'm not getting the boys, my mission was to get the girls now come on."

They began to work their way through  the dark corridor, covering their mouths from the smoke.
Mensa was not far behind Lyra, so she wasn't worrying for her but the boys, she didn't know if they'd been captured.

All of a sudden a loud bang followed by a crash deafened lyras ears. The other girls began to scream and shout, but it was too dark to see what was happening.

"Hold on to each other! Don't let go!" The rebel shouted, no one could see her but we did as she said.

That's when all the armed guards began to descend from the ceiling. Lyra began to panic, she knew these were colony guards, army trained. They'd stop at nothing.

They began to shoot and grab the girls, breaking the chain. The rest of the girls including the rebel ran, straight out the exit. Lyra was about to make it to the hole in the wall when she felt a pair of arms grab her, pulling her back and covering her head with a bag.

"Not so fast, we're not done with you!" The man whispered in her ear.

Then it went dark.

When Lyra awoke she was in a room by herself, tied to a wooden chair.

She began to pant, was still in the colony? This didn't look like the colony, the walls were stone not metal and covered in white plastic.

"Help!" She shouted, like anyone would hear her.

She sighed and sat there in silence. She wondered if Orion escaped, if anyone escaped.

That's when the door opened, revealing her capture.

"And we meet again!" He chuckled.

"Dr Sykes?" Lyra gasped, she was infuriated.

"You didn't think I'd let them take you? Who cares about the other ones. I can create more."

"What about Orion?" She asked.

"Oh your little boyfriend? I had to deal with him myself."

"What do you mean, I swear if you hurt him!" She shouted.

"Don't threaten me, I'm not the one tied to a chair." He laughed.

Lyra sighed.

"Anyways. Let's get down to business." He sat down in a chair in front of Lyra.

"Your here because I need a specimen now, our numbers are down incredibly." He explained with a smirk.


"We decided to start a new program, and your the centre of it all!"

Lyra furrowed her brows with confusion.

"Since the colony needs some rebuilding all the procreators we have left are being transferred to the other colony in the next city."

"The next city? So unit F"

"Well done! Anyways, like I was saying. The new program is going to be based on insemination instead of conception."


"Scientific studies have shown if we IFV instead of let procreators procreate by themselves we will have more chances of twins and higher rates of pregnancy!" He applauded himself.

"That's disgusting."

"How so?"

"Your gonna just inseminate people and take their children away? Not allow them to make any real relationships?" Lyra argued.

"Don't be ridiculous! This is what you were bread for!" He laughed.

"I won't do it."

"You have no choice." He smirked menacingly before walking out the room.

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