Part six

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After leaving the pod, Orion and Lyra headed down to the mess hall. Behind them a swarm of other procreators, hungry for their 'delicious' nutritious meals.

Lyra scanned her wristband, she watched the food fall out onto her tray. Today her meal was more 'tasteful' than usual, it had porridge, fruit and milk. She assumed that they were treating her better in hopes of a pregnancy and happy mother.

Orion and herself sat down on their usual table, followed by Mensa and Cygnus.

"Cygnus! I haven't seen you in forever." Lyra put down her tray and wrapped him in her arms.

"I've been purchased so they had to go over my profile" he explained.

"What? You didn't tell me that." Mensa furrowed her brow at him.

"I was going too. They've paired me with Cassiopeia. I hardly even know the girl, thankfully."

Mensa frowned with disappointment, they all knew she had feelings for Cygnus but could never act upon them.

Lyra rubbed Mensa's arm, giving her a reassuring look which Mensa took as a "get yourself together" Look instead, she nodded and continued to eat her breakfast.

"So what's going on with you two?" Cygnus asked, aiming his question at Orion and Lyra.

"Oh, the usual procreation system." Lyra looked at Orion.

"Yeah, nothing special.." Orion and Lyra didn't want to alarm their friends and bring them into anything they didn't need to be apart of.

After finishing their breakfasts they all split ways, to continue with their planned out day.

" I need to speak to you" Orion grabbed lyras arm before she could scurry away.

He gently but swiftly snook down a secluded corridor, dragging Lyra with him.

"What the hell?" Lyra looked confused at Orion.


"I have a plan" Orion whispered.

"A plan? What do you mean?"

"I know you don't want to have another child, it isn't fair. Well you don't have to!" He explained.

"What are you on about Orion?" She sighed, it was nice of him to consider her feelings but she didn't want to get her hopes up.

"Your brother, on the outside. If we can get in contact with him I'm sure he will help us escape!"

Lyra gasped, her chin definitely hitting the ground beneath them. "Orion! That's ridiculous"

"It's not! We will find a way!" His tone triumphant.

"I can't waste my time on a doomed plan Orion, I just have to get through this." Her face turning into a sad and disappointed frown.

"I don't want to hurt you even more Lyra but I need you to believe in me. I can do this for us, I promise" he pleaded.

Lyra nodded even though she didn't agree, she just wanted the conversation over with.

"I have to go to my pod, medical check up." She slowly backed up.

"Okay, ill see you at dinner?" He asked, smiling.

She nodded before speedily walking away, now she was late suspicion may be raised and Orion could be in trouble.

Lyra slid the pod door open and jumped through, panting to catch her breath.

"Morning Lyra" the medic was sat down at the computer.

"Morning" she sat down on the medical bed, still trying to catch her breath.

"Are you okay? You seem stressed" the medic stood up and came over to Lyra, holding a stethoscope.

Lyra nodded, gulping down her fear.

"Look calm down, everything's okay! My names Sabrina." She smiled, rubbing lyras back.

She continued to do the regular check up most medics did to the procreators, except Sabrina was new, or Lyra hadn't seen her before anyways.

"Why haven't I met you? I usually have Helen" She asked.

"I'm a manager in a different unit, I'm just filling in for a while"

Lyra nodded, Sabrina seemed nice and she was being very gentle with Lyra unlike most staff in the colony.

After the check up Sabrina handed Lyra a piece of paper.
Lyra was confused but the medic just looked at her and smiled before walking out of the pod.

Unscrunching the paper with her hands Lyra began to read the note:
"I heard you"

Lyra gasped, she had heard Orions nonsense outside in the corridor, what if she told Mr Sykes? Orion And her lives would be at risk, well more orions.

"Fuck, Hey!" Lyra jumped down off the table and ran out of the pod door.

But the corridors were empty, Sabrina was no where to be seen. Maybe she was already on her way to 'snitch' and Lyra should just grab Orion and go hide.

Lyra quickly ran back to the mess hall, hoping that Orion would be wandering around somewhere.
She swung open the recreation room doors just next to the mess hall, pushing herself through the door.

"Orion?" She shouted, many boys turned around, some playing chess, some playing cards and then some just chattering away but none of them seemed to be Orion.

"Where is he?" Lyra was getting impatient now, she needed to warn him, tell him how his stupidity had gotten them into some shit.

Since she couldn't find Orion she assumed he was in the boys quarters, where the boys would wash up and do 'boy' things. She didn't really know, she had never been in there.

She decided the only way to see him was at dinner in the mess hall later that evening. So even though she was going insane with anxiety and stress Lyra went back into her pod to read a book and impatiently wait, hoping the worse wouldn't happen.

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