For a While

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Fuck yes, motherfucker.

Sally wasn't one who normally cursed, but if this situation didn't allow for it then no one else in the entire universe could ever say another phrase of profanity.

Her son, Percy Jackson, and his girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, (Sally should really just call her a daughter because that's basically what she was) were standing about three yards away from her at this very moment.

It had been almost a year since she had seen Percy, and if it hadn't been for his eye color or her mother's instinct, she wouldn't have recognized him.

He had grown almost a foot taller since she had seen him last. His shoulders were a little broader, and he looked leaner and more muscled. His hair was short and choppy, like someone had threatened to cut it with a knife and Percy had moved to get away from them (which probably wasn't too far off from what actually happened). His eyes were narrowed, and he had a death grip on Annabeth's hand.

Her son was alive. He was alive. He had saved the world. He was alive.

Fuck yes.

Sally couldn't help it anymore. She sprang forward and wrapped her arms around him.

She didn't realize she was shaking until he said, "Hi, Mom."

She burst into tears at the sound of his voice. He was actually there. He was standing in her arms right now. He was alive.

"Oh, Percy, thank gods." She sighed. She felt the cloud of sadness that had covered her since she had found out he was missing just disappear. It was like all of the tension in her body and mind just floated away. Just like that.

After another second of holding Percy, she blinked a few of her tears away and leaned up. Percy was clutching at her desperately, and his shoulders were hunched over and his face was buried in her shoulder.

Sally finally spotted Annabeth again, and she realized that she was okay too. As long as Annabeth was okay, then Percy would be okay, and then Sally would be okay because both of them were okay.

Sally reached out with her other arm and pulled Annabeth into her embrace. The daughter of Athena didn't even hesitate to collapse into her arms. Sally remembered the months of Percy's absence when Annabeth would come over for a status report and a crying break.

The two seventeen year old demigods that had saved the world more times than they could count stood in her arms and cried their eyes out. Sally knew that they had been through hell (literally) this past year, and she couldn't quite blame them.

She hadn't seen Percy cry since he was little, and she had forgotten how upset it made her. He had always been very quiet when he cried, but right now, the sobs that wracked his body and the gasps of breath he kept drawing and the incoherent muttering were warming her heart. He was here. In her arms.

She cradled both of their heads and rocked them gently. "I'm here. Everything is okay. We're together and we're safe. You're home. I love you." She murmured over and over to them.

The gods had been appreciative enough of their heroes to let her into Camp. Chiron had given her the whole story before she had seen Annabeth and Percy. It had been a few days since the war had ended, but Percy had been unconscious up until yesterday morning, and there had been a few loose ends to tie up before they had called Sally. Once Sally had gotten the call, she had jumped into the car and not slowed down until she had to. She hadn't even bothered to call Paul at work before she had left.

Sally finally managed to stop crying herself, and a feeling of utter happiness consumed her. Of course, it made her a little sad that Percy and Annabeth were so upset, but she couldn't help but be so happy, so relieved that they were okay. She couldn't really make herself care about anything else.

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