It's just Easier

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"I need a favor."

Percy groaned into his phone. It was way too early for this. Annabeth knew his sleeping pattern better than his mom did, and she knew that he never got up until the very last second.

When he heard his phone ringing (to some stupid ringtone that Annabeth had set) he had managed to grab it and answer without even rolling over. Sure, maybe it hadn't been a proper hello, but at least he grunted to let her know that he was awake.

"What?" He groaned again, keeping his eyes closed against the light filtering in through his window.

"On your way over I need you to stop at the store and get something for me?" She asked. Her voice was especially gentle this morning, so that probably meant that whatever she wanted would be something that he wouldn't want to do.

He sighed. He was heading over there this morning to watch movies and hang out, and he could stop and get whatever she needed on his way. He hummed and rubbed his eyes and said, "Okay. What do you need me to get?"

"A box of tampons," she said.

Percy's eyes shot open.

Annabeth wanted him to stop at the store and get a box of tampons? Did she really think that he was capable of walking in to the grocery store, going to that aisle, and leaving with-with-them in his hand?

He was kind of horrified at the question. Sure, he grew up with a single mom, but she never talked about that kind of stuff. Percy knew the basics, like the stuff that they taught in anatomy and biology, but that was about it.

The other part of him was strangely... elated because wasn't this a favor that girls asked their boyfriends to do?

Percy figured that he could do this for her. If she was on her period (he mentally cringed at the thought) then she might, possibly, maybe be a little tenser and a little more stressed than normal. If he could ease that and keep from getting in trouble or making her mad, then he would do just about anything. He could just run inside, grab the box, pay for them, and leave as quickly as possible.

He let out another quick sigh and said, "Send me a picture of the box so I know that I'll get the right ones."

"Okay," she said. Percy could hear her relax through the phone. "Thank you."

"Mmm. Need me to hurry?"

"Sure, I miss you," she said easily.

Percy bit back a grin at the thought that she might be flirting with him. He yawned, "Give me forty-five minutes. Want me to stop and pick up breakfast?"

Annabeth groaned, "I knew there was a reason I picked you for my best friend."

Even though it was way too early, Percy smiled. "I'll be there soon."


He was almost to the point of pure panic and terror.

Annabeth had texted him the picture of the box of tampons that she needed, but really? They all looked the freaking same! How was a guy supposed to be able to pick out a box of tampons when he literally couldn't tell the difference between any of them? Like, what was so important? Weren't they all the same? What did it matter if they were plastic or cardboard or regular or super or-?

Percy cut that line of thinking. If he was having to put something there then he would probably care what it was made out of. He would probably be brand specific. But, god, why did all of the boxes look the same?

He looked up from staring at a wall of tampons when a girl walked down the aisle. She looked a little frazzled. Her brown hair was pulled up on top of her head, and she was wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of shorts. She snatched a box off of the shelves easily, like it wasn't the most complicated decision in Percy's world right now. She was just turning to leave when she noticed him.

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