Strange Visitors and Bargains

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The last thing that Percy expected to see at his door tonight was Annabeth Chase.

Sure, he had been expecting some Chinese food. He had ordered take-out almost half an hour ago, and he was fucking starving. It wouldn't have been strange to see maybe Leo or Nico at the door. He guessed that they might want to borrow a movie or something. And maybe it wouldn't have been too weird to see his roommate Jason standing there with a sad look on his face. The guy had a date with his (recently new) girlfriend, and Percy was convinced that he would end up saying something stupid before the night was over. Percy also guessed that it could have been his mom or stepdad, but it was kind of late for that.

But no. Not any of those people.

Annabeth Chase lived one floor above him in their sort-of-crappy-but-not-really New York apartment building. She was a student at NYU, and Percy had heard that she was in the architecture program. She had blonde, curly hair that reminded him of a princess, and she always looked nice in her sundresses and skirts that she wore. She was really polite, but she had gotten an attitude several times with Percy over the past few months. They had caught the same elevator a few times, and she was unbelievably immune to Percy's snarky comments.

Okay. They were a lot closer than Percy was letting on. They had been to a few parties together, and they had even made-out a few times. Their relationship was strictly casual. They hadn't done anything besides kiss occasionally. And it wasn't because Percy didn't want to because-he wanted to.

But he didn't want to make a move on Annabeth and then have her reject him. That was all he needed. Awkward elevator rides until he had to move out of the building? No thanks.

"I was expecting Chinese food," Percy said, leaning against the doorframe.

She glared at him and let her gaze travel down his body. Suddenly Percy regretted his Finding Nemo pajama pants. At least he was wearing a black t-shirt. She said, "Crazy night?"

"Mmm. Take-out and Netflix are my two favorite things. You're a close third, though," he said with a wink.

"Ha-ha," she said. Percy noticed that she had a backpack hanging on her shoulder. "I need a favor."

"If you've come to ask me for help with your math class then you should probably walk away right now."

She rolled her eyes, "Well, aren't you full of scathing comments tonight? I was, um, actually wondering if I could stay here tonight?"

Percy's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. He said, "Why?"

"My roommate decided to have a party with a lot of alcohol and weed when she knows that I have a qualifying exam for school in the morning," Annabeth said. Her voice took on a frantic tone that made Percy nervous. She didn't seem like the type to be frantic ever. "And I kind of got really mad and packed up all of my stuff into boxes and put my school stuff in my backpack before I even realized that I have nowhere to go."

He hesitated for one second before he pushed the door farther open. She sighed and walked past him. He reached out gently and took her backpack from her shoulder, huffing when he realized how heavy it was. She took five steps into the living room before she fell out on the couch face first. Percy laughed softly at her and set her backpack down on the floor beside the door.

"What kind of exam?" He asked.

She leaned up and shoved her hair out of her eyes. "It's a test that I have to pass to get into the architecture program. I know that I'm going to pass it, but the highest results normally land internships with a local firm, and I really want it."

"I'm sure you'll do fine," he hummed.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me stay," she said quietly, in a very not-Annabeth tone.

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