Chapter One

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Being in College would be great!
They said

You will be the best there!
They said

You wont have so much stress as you think!
They said

Everything they said were lies.
Of Course it's not great to be on college, I mean its exactly like school when we were younger.
Of course its not easy for you to be the best, especially not in your first year.
And of course you have more stress, then people who dont have college can imagine...

You were currently walking back to your dorm.
Tired and sweaty, because of the dance lesson you just had.
It's your fourth month on this college, and things still weren't as easy as everyone said it would be after some time.

Your Roomates name was Y/B/F/N (your best friends name) . You have been through thick and thin with her since you were little toddlers.

To your luck you both got accepted to the same college and even were roomates now.
And now you couldn't wait to rant about your Dance teacher on her, after your exhausting Friday.

You pulled out your keys from your pocket, and opened the brown woodened door.
You closed the door behind you and before you could even change you let yourself fall on your Creamy white silky sheets.

Face buried in your pillow you ignored all the noises outside of your room, all the students running and yelling around, the loud music from the girls next door. You just relaxed for a minute.

But of course someone had to explode your bubble.
You heard the bathroom door opening followed by a scream which made you jump and fall from your bed.

"What the hell Y/B/F/N" you exclaimed looking up to your best friend who just had a towel wrapped around her body.

"Why are you already here?! I thought you had a dance lesson Fridays" she asked with a confused face.

"Uh yes I had. The better question is why are YOU already here. Dont you have more lessons than I do fridays?" You asked standing up again

"Oooh yeah yeah I forgot to tell you. We are going out tonight  that's why I just ditched my last two lessons" she answered taking clothes out of her wardrobe.

"Uhm no we are not going out I'm completely done with this day and I just want to bury myself in my bed and sleep all night" you said with big eyes

"You sound like a depressed child Y/N" she said rolling her eyes at you
"Now take this dress I got you and put it on. You will look hot in it" she continued before walking inside the bathroom again

You rolled your eyes and looked at the dress she gave you.
"You really owe me something because I'm doing this now" you yelled for your best friend to hear while changing into the dress

" Shut up I already got you that dress" she yelled back and you just chuckled


"So whose party is this again?" You asked as you both made your way to the party

"I don't know" she answered you and you stopped in your tracks

"Wait we are going to a party that someone you dont know is hosting?" You asked confused eyebrows raising.

"Yes?? Dont be a Party pooper now Y/N it will be funny. You probably know most of the people there" she answered pulling your arm.

You just kept being quiet until you saw the building the party was held at.
It was one of the buildings on the campus where everyone usually just relaxes, studies or whatever.

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