chapter ten

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Back in Seoul Seokjin Kept staring at "your" recent post.
Who were these boys? Why did you never tell him about them.

He was wondering if you had any siblings because he couldnt remeber you telling him about any.

God why do you even care Jin... it's probably just a old school friend or something.

He thought to himself pulling his pillow over his face.
Jins liking for you had grown drastically the past few weeks and honestly he didnt know if he liked this.

Well okay Of course he liked it...
In fact he loved talking with you it made him feel a lot happier than usual.

Yes he was still scared to "talk" properly with you.
He was scared you would leave him, judge him or think in a different, in a bad way of him.

He has been judged before.
People had left him before because they were sick of him and his disability.
And if he could change anything in his life he would want to be able to speak.

Seokjin knew he liked you a lot.
He realised it after he found himself staring at your beautiful face two weeks ago.


You were laughing with Hoseok and Y/B/F/N while you three were sitting at the benches on the campus.

He couldnt help but admire your features. Your beautiful eyes that crinkled when you smiled or laughed. Your full pink lips, beautiful formed nose, porcelain like skin and shiny black hair.

Jungkook and Namjoon caught Jin staring at you and they kept teasing him while taehyung just looked uncomfortable next to seokjin.

Taehyung didnt like the way Seokjin looked at Y/N. He didnt like the other boys teasing Jin about you.

But Of course Taehyung saw Jin smiling all the time because of the messages and pictures you send him.

And honestly if it meant for His cousin to be happy he could forget about his little crush.


Namjoon walked inside the room pulling the pillow from Seokjins face

"What are you doing?" Namjoon asked laughing and sitting down on the bed.

Jin just shrugged honestly not knowing what he was actually doing.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asked now not laughing anymore because Seokjin seemed spaced out.

"Just a bit tired" Jin answered with Sign language and Namjoon nodded smiling, his dimples coming to sight.

To Seokjins luck his friends learned sign language just for him. Not many people knew he was mute. He was kind of "popular" because of the other six boys but he was still the "shy kid" who never talked.

Of course some people thought it's odd that he never spoke nor that the professors never said anything but they cared less.

But Seokjin knew that the second the people knew he was mute they would look at him in a different way.

He didnt want that attention on him nor did he need it. He was okay with the things in the way they were now.

It was hard and frustrating sometimes but it was fine, he learned to live with it.

Namjoon seemed to notice Jin spacing out again so he snapped with his finger in front of Seokjins face.

"You should go to sleep Hyung. Get some rest and I'll take a shower" Namjoon said taking his things and walking inside the bathroom.

Yes Namjoon and Seokjin were roommates. That's how they met and Seokjin loved Namjoon a lot he was like a brother to him, but sometimes Namjoon was babying him too much which bothered him.

Seokjin knew he, and his other friends, wanted the best for him but he didnt want to be treated like a baby just because he couldnt talk and Express his feelings.

Suddenly he heard Namjoon screaming rather than singing inside the shower which made Seokjin laugh. It was a breathy soundless laugh but you could see from his facial expression that he indeed was laughing.

Trying to ignore the screaming in the room next door he decided to post something on instagram after taking a selfie.

He may be laying in bed but he did not look bad so he took the chance to take a selfie and post it.

After that he closed his eyes and tried to sleep because it was already pretty late.

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