chapter Nineteen

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Later that night, when Your best friend  fell asleep with her head on your lap you finally had time to text Seokjin.

You were still shocked about the whole thing between Jimin, Y/b/f/n and taehyung and you were sure that Seokjin talked with at least one of them.

You: Hey jinnie

Mine🥰:Hey baby... how is Y/b/f/n? Is she still crying? Are you doing fine?

You smiled a bit at that, it made you happy to see that he cared for not only you but also your best friend who was like your sister.

You: she's still... all over the place ig. But she finally fell asleep. And thank you I'm fine dont worry<3

You: but uh I wanted to ask you something. Have you maybe talked with either Jimin or Taehyung?

Mine🥰: yes, I talked with Tae. Tbh I knew that he is Bi. I know that not a lot of people know that because "it's nothing important anyways" as he says but I never thought that he would crush on jimin...

You: oh wow... I really never knew that:/
Did you talk about something else too?

Mine🥰 about you talk with Him or Jimin yourself? I feel like its not my place to say anything 🥺I'm sorry baby

You: oh my God noo that's fine Jinnie of course! I will talk with Them thank you:)

ine🥰: oki but now go to sleep hm? Its already late.


Mine🥰: guess you're already on your way to Either jimin or Tae...

And that was exactly what you were doing. You slipped away from your best friend, put a blanket over her and made your way ot of the dorm.

Walking over to the dorm that Jungkook, Jimin and taehyung shared, you tried to be as silent as possible since, like Jin already said, it was late.

You now stood in front of the door, knocking slightly and you waited until you heard a soft "Come in". It was definitely Taehyungs voice.You opened the door and closed it again as silent as possible after you had walked in.

You looked around to see that Jungkook wasnt there, jimin was sitting on his bed, buried in his blanket not looking your way and Taehyung was sitting on his bed on the opposite, looking at you with a sad smile.

"Hey Tae..." you said softly walking over to him and sitting down on his bed. He answered with A small "Hi." Making place for you to sit down.

"Is he... is he asleep?" You asked looking towards Jimin who was still turned to the wall. Suddenly you heard sniffling from his bed, which showed you that he wasnt asleep.

Taehyung shook his head fiddling with his fingers. "He isnt. He doesnt want to talk to me." He told you in a almost inaudible voice. You looked sad at him taking his hand in yours.

"You do know it's not your fault right Tae?" You asked him making sure you weren't talking too loud. "But I was the one who kissed first. I-I was the one who started all this shit. Fuck... ju-just because he told me..." he stopped talking and before you could ask him what He wanted to say Jimin suddenly stood up.

"I told him that I'm not comfortable in the relationship with y/b/f/n. It just didnt feel right anymore. I love he- I loved her okay? Like... Fuck I cant even explain... how is it possible to not be attracted to someone or the gender in general in literally a second? I-I didnt even want to hurt her... I never meant to hurt her. I'm so sorry Y/N... it just happened... I cant even explain." he broke down letting all his feelings out.

You looked at Taehyung, who had guilt filled eyes before walking over to Jimin to hug him. "Hey it's okay..." you whispered as he buried his face in your neck. "Jimim-ah... its okay to let all your feelings out. You can cry as much as you want, and I know you never meant to hurt her. But you cant control your feelings and neither can Taehyung okay? This all... is a complicated Situation. But it will get better m'kay?" You told him while giving taehyung a reassuring smile.

"I'm sorry jimin... I'm sorry that I kissed you. I know this was not the thing you expected after telling me your secret. And I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I'll go to Y/b/f/n too. I-I'll explain what happened so she wont be mad at you okay?" Taehyung said and jimin finally looked at him after he had dried his tears on his face.

"Do you... want me to leave you guys alone? I just wanted to check in and look if everything is okay or well as okay as possible In this situation . But if you want to talk now, I can leave." You said standing up, with a soft smile on your face.

You weren't mad at neither Jimin or taehyung. They were both close friends of yours and even if Jimin hurt your best friend, it was not on purpose and you know that Taehyung adored Y/b/f/n as person way too much to kiss Jimin on purpose.

"Thank You Y/N... can you tell y/b/f/n that I truly never wanted this whole thing to blow up like that?" Jimin asked you looking up with red puffy eyes.

"She knows that. She knows it must have been hard for you... this whole relationship thing while you were... well not attracted or in love anymore. But that's fine okay? Please you both... things will get better so dont make yourself feel guilty for something that is not your fault. Look at Hobi and Yoongi. Its not wrong to like the same gender, and it doesnt matter how confusing it is. Life is to experience new things, and if you feel like you are not into girls... that's fine. Y/b/f/n knows that. But just give her some time, she needs to calm down from everything now and you can talk about it in private then. But well I will be going now okay?" You finished your speech, a smile still on your lips.

With that you walked out of your, and letting out a deep sigh. Everyone who entered the room could've felt the tension. You wondered where Jungkook was, but you were glad that he wasnt there now. It just would've been even more awkward with Jungkook.

You giggled a bit at the thought of Jungkook sitting awkwardly between Jimin and Taehyung, not knowing what was going on, with his big doe eyes just staring between them.

Back in your dorm you texted Seokjin a short "Good night💞" before finally going to sleep.

[A/n: So I just made this as Kinda a "filler" chapter so the whole topic wouldn't be forgotten, and well I wanted to ask you guys if I should end the story soon or keep it longer, with some more drama and stuff hehe^^ also some of you seem to like sope since i also have them here in the story, and I just wanted to say that I also have a sope story you maybe want to check out:)]

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